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他倔得像头骡子。He's as stubborn as a mule.

他倔强得简直像头牛。He’s as stubborn as a mule.

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它是电驴还拖拉机?And is it Mule, MULE or MUL-E?

她固执得像头驴子。She was as obstinate as a mule.

瞧他骑着骡子小跑的神气模样儿!How he trots along on his mule !

那头骡子的四个掌都掉了。The mule threw all its four shoes.

我有一头骡,少数几只羊。I have one mule and just a few sheep.

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胡安巴尔德斯用你的名字命名他的骡子.Juan Valdez names his mule after you.

这头老骡子掉到了农民的井里。The mule fell into the farmer's well.

沿着这条深谷有一条羊肠小路。Along the ravine there was a mule path.

奶奶不舍,黑骡子粗鲁地逼走奶奶!Granny, the black mule out rudely grandma!

他的脑袋向前伸着,就像一头正在睡觉的骡子。His head hangs forward like a sleeping mule.

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骡子是母马和公驴的杂交后代。MULE is a cross between a mare and a donkey.

骡子是雌马和驴的杂交种。A mule is a cross between a mare and a donkey.

要是我有那么多钱,我早就另买一头骡子了。If I had that much money, I'd buy another mule.

木兰在骡子和车夫中更倾向于选择车夫。Mulan chose by the driver rather than the mule.

那骡子照骆驼的肋部踢了两下。The mule caught the cameltwo kicks in the ribs.

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骡兼有马和驴子的特性。The mule partakes of both the horse and the ass.

旅客必须徒步或者骑着骡子爬上斜坡。Visitors must climb the slope on foot or by mule.

在北京一座寺庙中,一名女性摸着一个铜铸的驴子。Women touch a bronze mule at a temple in Beijing.