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有些人说这是一片未开化的蛮荒之地。Some say it is wild and uncivilized.

就像是未曾开化的运算系统。It's an extremely uncivilized system.

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这是“不文明”人的面孔。It was the face of an "uncivilized" people.

他们的权力被这种不文明的举动侵犯了。Their rights are violated by the uncivilized action.

对不文明居民的清单的公布是对权利的乱用!Publicizing a list of uncivilized residents is a misuse of power!

总而言之男人经常是感觉迟钝的,行为举止不文雅。All in all men are often insensitive and behave in an uncivilized manner.

一贯行为是野蛮地侵略中国,屠杀中国人民。His consisentaction is uncivilized invading China, massacring Chinese people.

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在我们身边,在一部分同学身上,还是有着一些不文明行为。Around us, in the part of students who still have a number of uncivilized behavior.

太商业化的、不规范、不文明的服务商一定要清理。Too those who commercialize, non-standard, uncivilized service business must clear.

她和其他志愿者一起,在站点周边巡逻,劝导不文明行为。She and other volunteers in patrolling around the site, and uncivilized act of persuasion.

这不能完全归咎于一些人的不文明行为或不礼貌的话。This can not be blamed entirely on some people's uncivilized behaviours or impolite words.

这是一种极度野蛮、像屠夫一样的行为,在任何情况下都不能被原谅。This is most uncivilized and butcher-like activity. It cannot be supported under any circumstances.

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在那个还尚未开化的年代,一个女孩身败名裂是何其可怕的事情。Still uncivilized time is returned in that, be utterly discredited of a girl is how dread affection.

与中国政府意见不同并不等于叛国,暴力或威胁使用暴力永不可恕!Violence or threats of violence are never excusable, and they make China seem nasty and uncivilized.

我是在说那种使得可怕的和未开化这样的词语听起来都很和蔼的虐待。I am the talking about the kind of abuse that makes words like "gruesome" and "uncivilized" sound nice.

库尔德民族被认为是无知和未开化的民族。The Kurds were seen as uncivilized and ignorant, and any expression of a separate identity was seen as a crime.

霍布斯把这些人具有的品质称之为,野蛮的,未开化的和好战的,他的这一论断只有在一定意义上是正确的。Hobbes regarded these passions in many ways as barbaric, as uncivilized and warlike and to some degree he was right.

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在农民和工人当中,随地吐痰似乎更能够被接受。Both considered the act boorish and uncivilized. Spitting among the peasantry and the proletariat seemed more acceptable.

社会名流和知名人士在电视上露面,向公众宣传在公共场合穿睡衣是“落后”和“不文明”的行为。Celebrities and socialites appear on television to promote the idea that sleepwear in public is "backward" and "uncivilized.

其荒莽无文,恍若白垩纪侏罗纪的一只大爬虫。The primitive and uncivilized nature of my life made me feel like a giant reptile during the Cretaceous or Jurassic periods.