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欢呼,为丹尼尔·布奈!Hurrah for Daniel Boone!

为有趣的东西欢呼!布丁是否准备好了?Hurrah for the fun! Is the pudding done?

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房地产泡沫的狂欢是最后的欢呼。The housing bubble orgy was the last hurrah.

我还没喊不行呢,你倒先喊起来了。Haven't I shouted not to go, you poured to hurrah 1st.

戴尔的收益报告可能是在一段时间内科技类股最后的欢呼。Dell's earnings report could be tech's last hurrah for a while.

嗨,快来看呐,这是小铁甲犀!Hi, come to see hurrah immediately, this is the small armor Xi!

“奔往家园!万岁,奔往纳尼亚,奔往北方!”另一个小矮人说道。"Running for home! Hurrah for Narnia and the North! " said the other.

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我乘坐嘉年华游轮去科祖梅尔过大学的最后一个春假。I went on a Carnival Cruise to Cozumel for my last Spring Break hurrah during college.

杰克逊的“欢呼男孩”在下一任总统的选举中也起到了一定作用。Jackson’s hurrah boys also played a part in the election to choose the next president.

但是,鉴于“茶党”日益不得人心,这次也许是科赫兄弟的最后一次欢呼了。However, given the growing unpopularity of the Tea Party, this may be the Kochs' last hurrah.

服务员,请把这些记在我的账上。半英里内都可以听到欢呼声。Waiter, please charge these goods to my account. The hurrah could be heard within the half statu miles.

何慕白冲着他们大吼大叫,却显然已经认不出火蝎来。He Mu Bai hurtles them to howl noisy to hurrah loudly, but apparently have already could not recognized bombard scorpion.

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一个貌似是警长的人手里举着大喇叭,对着赵晶晶他们喊道。Is a look like is a sherriff of raise a big trumpet in hand, Moncler Uomo Gilet, toward clear and bright they hurrah a way.

让我们斟满酒,为每一个已经死亡和下一个将要死亡的角色送行。Stand by, your glasses steady, and drink to your comrade's eyes, here's a toast to the dead already, and hurrah for the next to die.

生凭第一次挨了老子巴掌的胡彬气呼呼的起身出了茶馆,上了自己的车子回家去了。Living hurrah with the first time beard Bin morale that got Lao Tze's palm of start teahouse, have already climbed own car to go home.

一些人把罢工看作是他们给萨科齐的改革和“干得越多挣得越多”的信条让步前所做的最后一次努力。Some see the strikes as a last hurrah by the unions before they give way to the Sarko revolution and his creed of "work more to earn more."

再如何不甘愿,哭着喊着叫嚷恋爱自由,那也总要有值得联姻的资本才行。Again how disinclined wish, cry to hurrah to hurrah to be in love a liberty, that has to have as well worth matrimony of the capital just work.

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杰克逊的“欢呼者”在下任总统的选举中也起到了一定作用。杰克逊对下任总统的选择是他的副手--马丁·范布伦。Jackson's hurrah boys also played a part in the election to choose the next president. Jackson's choice was his vice president, Martin VanBuren.

为杰克逊欢呼的男孩们也扮演着选择下一任总统的选举的一部分。杰克逊的选择是他的副总统马丁·范·布伦。Jackson's hurrah boys also played a part in the election to choose the next president. Jackson's choice was his vice president, Martin Van Buren.

这是叶子的季节,自然界的冬天到来之前,最后的欢呼,在国家的落叶树木茂密覆盖轮流在其耀眼的表现。This is the foliage season, nature's last hurrah before winter, when the state's lush cover of deciduous trees turns in its flashiest performance.