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背部着地滑行,以降低被埋深度。Backstroke to decrease burial depth.

你知道如何游仰泳吗?Do you know how to do the backstroke.

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约翰会游自由泳、仰泳、蛙泳和蝶泳。He can swim breaststroke backstroke and crawl.

他会游蛙泳、仰泳和自由泳。He can swim breaststroke, backstroke and crawl.

蝶泳、仰泳、蛙泳和自由泳。Butterfly backstroke breaststroke and freestyle.

他还能教你自由式和蛙式。Can he teach me the butterfly and the backstroke?

仰泳的选手如何知道他们前进的方向呢?How do the backstroke swimmers see where they are going?

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在50米,100米和200米的赛程中,仰泳比赛都是很快的。Backstroke races are fast in 50,100, and 200 meter lengths.

我会游仰式,蝶式,自由式和狗爬式。I know how to do the backstroke butterfly freestyle and dog paddle.

我会游自由式,而且我现在正在学仰式和蛙式。I can do the crawl, and I'm learning the backstroke and breaststroke.

仰泳的转臂训练是一项强烈并有趣的训练,适合所有年龄的游泳者。Backstroke Spin Drill is an intense, fun drill for swimmers of all ages.

三位游泳健将分别都得到了自由式以及仰式的奖牌。The trio of swimmers each won medals in the freestyle and backstroke categories.

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2005年,西部人谁使字幕开始了跨文化对话仰泳。In 2005, the backstroke of the west subtitler began a cross cultural conversation.

奥运史上第一次仰泳比赛是1900年的巴黎奥运会男子200米仰泳。The first Olympic backstroke competition was the 1900 Paris Olympics men's 200 metre.

8月9号,傅园慧参加100米仰泳决赛之后,其名气继续上涨。Fu's fame only grew on August 9, when she competed in the 100-meter backstroke finals.

我知道仰泳比赛中通常不会撞头,但我想我自己游的话会。Al know backstroke racer will probably not hit their heads, but I think I would if I tried.

回到左,右,左吧,然后把球和健身球为仰泳。Return to left, right, left right, then hold the physio ball with both hands for backstroke.

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转臂游结束后,最好放轻松游几下正常的仰泳。When you stop SPINNING, it's always good to ease into a couple strokes of regular backstroke.

仰泳中手在水面停顿,就好比棒球击球时减力。Letting the hand hesitate on the water in backstroke is the same as slowing your baseball swing to hit the ball.

迈克尔也想在国际竞争力的新的事件对他来说,如仰泳或100米自由泳。Michael also wants to compete internationally in events new for him, such as backstroke or the 100-meter freestyle.