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是选择虚无主义的艺术,还是主题——现代主义的艺术和思想?BE choose a nihilistic art, still the art and thought of topic-modernism?

她丝毫没有表现出同龄人那种自我陶醉以及虚无主义的倾向。She exhibited none of the narcissistic and nihilistic tendencies of her peers.

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肖恩·维斯特实现了虚无的朋克梦想,就像我是闷骚的女子一般。Shane West pulls off a nihilistic punk just about as well as I pull off sultry seductress.

贝克特第二批信给人的第一印象并没有驱散这些虚无影像。On first glance, the second volume of Beckett's letters does little to dispel this nihilistic image.

当没有了艺术,存在就失去了意义,颓废也就变成了虚无主义存在的逻辑。When there is no art, existed and then losted meaning, decadent also became nihilistic existent logic.

我们是互相交错的经纬,被岁月织成锦缎,与虚无的结局丝丝相扣。We are each other 's latitude and longitude, by years of weaving brocade, and nihilistic ending silk buckles.

现代恐怖主义使原子弹的毁灭威力与奥斯维辛的虚无主义福音结成一体。Modern terrorism seeks to combine the annihilating power of Hiroshima with the nihilistic gospel of Auschwitz.

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或许你是虚无主义者,你认为人生根本没有什么目标,也没有任何意义。Perhaps you’re a rather nihilistic person who doesn’t believe you have a purpose and that life has no meaning.

我们是相互交错的经纬,被岁月织成锦缎,与虚无的结局丝丝入扣。We are mutually staggered Jingwei, by years of weaving brocade, and nihilistic ending all threads neatly tied up.

如果不作进一步了解,霍姆斯对法律形式主义和法律的规范性的批评,很容易被人作为虚无主义而不予理会。Holmes's critiques of legal formalism and law's normativity, without more , could easily be dismissed as nihilistic.

虚无主义的庄周照常要吃饭,你先生劳动挣钱,买粮添衣都是虚无的?Nihilistic Zhuang Zhou had to eat meals to survive. You work to make money and use the money to buy food and clothes.

她们自己已经做了文化上的自愿自杀,现在还想把她们内心的黑暗空虚和虚无强加给我们。They have already committed voluntary cultural suicide and now wish to impose their interior night, their void, their horror vacui and nihilistic stupor on us.

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教育与社会生活陷入一种庸俗的惟利是图与享乐主义之中,混乱、无序、虚无。The education and social life fall into a vulgar situation intending on nothing but profit and the hedonism, and this situation is confused, disordered and nihilistic.

一位部长指责包括国家名胜古迹信托在内的活动推行者,称之为“无政府主义的自私自利”,宣称新住房的长期短缺只会伤害子孙后代。One minister accused campaigners, including the National Trust, of "nihilistic selfishness", arguing that a chronic shortage of new homes only hurts future generations.

张爱玲的“日常性身体写作”与她的“文体哲学”观密切相关,这种写作的背后隐藏着张爱玲虚无主义的人生观及其抵抗和化解的方式。Zhang's "writing on daily-life bodies" has much to do with her view of "stylistic philosophy", under which lie her nihilistic philosophy and her personal resistances and compromises.

对夏天,一直怀有的抵触,繁华的开场白,漠寂的凌落,人像行走在一种虚无的光环之上,耀眼得刺出了泪花,然而不经意的就掉下来了。In summer, still have the conflict, the bustling prologue, desert silence Ling fell, like walking in a nihilistic aura, it shines the sting out of the tears, however inadvertently falls off.

透过毛姆独特的都市体验,我们看到了生活在现代城市中的人的精神创伤和变态心理、悲观绝望的情绪和虚无主义的思想。Through his own unique urban experience, Maugham depicts the spiritual injury, the abnormal psychology, the despairing pessimism and the nihilistic mentality of persons living in the modem cities.