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塔纳卡接下来希望破译控制芽基形成的基因指令。Tanaka next hopes to decipher the genetic instructions governing blastema formation.

但如果我们小心地将一条神经转向受伤的地方,我们就可诱导那些纤维母细胞形成芽基。But if we carefully deviated a nerve to the wound site, we could induce those fibroblasts to form a blastema instead.

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他们发现,蝾螈再生是从一团被称为芽基的细胞在断肢顶端形成的时候开始的。They found that salamander regeneration begins when a clump of cells called a blastema forms at the tip of a lost limb.

皮肤、肌肉、血管和神经元从芽基中长出来,最终生长成为和原来肢体几乎一模一样的新肢体。From the blastema come skin, muscle, bone, blood vessels and neurons, ultimately growing into a limb virtually identical to the old one.

后肾胚芽由密集排列的片状小蓝色的细胞构成,核染色质粗糙,胞浆稀少,有丝分裂像明显。Blastema in wt consists of sheets of densely packed small blue cells with hyperchromatic nuclei little cytoplasm and conspicuous mitotic actiity.

塔纳卡认为芽基细胞没有变得具有多能性,如果她是正确的话,那么,这一发现又增加了另一种可能性-不仅对于蝾螈,而且对于人类。If Tanaka's right that blastema cells don't become pluripotent, then the findings raise another possibility — not just for salamanders, but for people.

塔纳卡认为芽基细胞没有变得具有多能性,如果她是正确的话,那么,这一发现又增加了另一种可能性-不仅对于蝾螈,而且对于人类。If Tanaka’s right that blastema cells don’t become pluripotent, then the findings raise another possibility — not just for salamanders, but for people.

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近年来的研究发现,肾发育过程中的胚基残留,分化障碍可能是肾母细胞瘤发病的原因之一。For these years, residua of metanephric blastema and delay of differentiation in the development of kidney have been considered the cause of nephroblastoma.

如果我们能在哺乳动物身上成功产生芽基,接下来最大的挑战将是诱骗脚趾截断处长出完整的脚趾。If we succeed in generating a blastema in a mammal, the next big hurdle for us would be coaxing the site of a digit amputation to regenerate the entire digit.

当蝾螈的腿被切断后,它体内的血管会迅速收缩并止血,皮肤细胞迅速地覆盖在伤口上,形成所谓的胚基。In salamanders, the blood vessels contract quickly and limit bleeding when a limb is cut. Skin cells quickly cover the wound and form what is called a blastema.

与胚胎细胞或者完全基因重组的细胞相比,身体可能更容易接受经过部分基因重组的像美西螈芽基里那些细胞一样的细胞。Bodies might find it easier to accept cells that have been only partially reprogrammed, like those in the axolotl's blastema , than embryonic or fully reprogrammed cells.