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我将是主要的忏悔者。I'll be chief mourner.

谁来当主祭?Who'll be chief mourner?

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我来悼念我的爱人,我来充当丧主。I mourn for my love, I'll be chief mourner.

吊客就无需来这儿诉他的悲思。Not here the mourner would his grief reveal.

谁来当主祭?是我,鸽子说。Who'll be chief mourner? "I, " said the dove.

每个吊唁的人都佩带着黑纱和一朵白纸菊花。Each mourner wore a black armband and a white paper chrysanthemum.

在华沙的总统官邸前一名抱着一束郁金香花的妇女。A mourner held tulips in front of the presidential palace in Warsaw.

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承蒙哀悼者同意,他努力吞坛滋养气味。By courtesy of the mourner he endeavours to devour the nourishing odour.

他走进大厅,看到一具老人的尸体,只有他的遗孀一个人在那里吊丧。It held the body of an elderly man, and his widow was the only mourner present.

要埋到坟地去的,是这孤苦伶仃的妇人的儿子,她的唯一依靠和安慰。The lonely mourner was following to the grave her sole earthly support and comfort.

其实,她听奶奶说,贵二爷家里的人已请了高桥头一个帮哭的了。In fact, she learned from her grandma that the family had already hired a mourner from Gaoqiaotou.

公祭进行到一半时,突然有一位叫秦失的客人跑到灵堂里。As the mourning ceremony processed halfway, one mourner called Qinshi suddenly rushed into the hall.

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我们不等到未来才蒙福,耶稣说,现在我们就可得著好处。Not only shall the mourner be blessed at some future day, but Christ pronounces him blessed even now.

安葬寄存器签署了牧师,店员,承办单位,主祭。The register of his burial was signed by the clergyman, the clerk, the undertaker, and the chief mourner.

一个哀悼者在佳乃的葬礼上毫不关心的说,“如果凶手是个大学生那还值得些同情。At the funeral for Yoshino, a careless mourner comments, ‘If the perpetrator was a college kid, that’s some consolation.

他是马瑞遗嘱唯一的指定执行人,唯一的财产指定管理人,唯一的财产让渡人,唯一的遗产继承人,唯一的朋友,也是唯一的送葬人。Scrooge was his sole executor, his sole administrator, his sole assign, his sole residuary legatee, his sole friend and sole mourner.

在位于旧金山市区的苹果店,一名哀悼者站在店门处,他手里举着一个显示着乔布斯黑白照片的iPad。At the downtown San Francisco Apple store, one mourner stood by the entrance holding his iPad with a black-and-white image of Mr. Jobs.

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6月30日,在纽约哈莱姆区附近的阿波罗剧院,一位哀悼者含泪等待迈克尔·杰克逊的追思仪式。A mourner awaits the start of a tribute to Michael Jackson at the Apollo Theater in the neighborhood of Harlem in New York City on June 30.

然而,中国人民在心理上最没有准备的是周先毛而死,因为如果在毛逝世后有周做主祭人可以起安抚人心的作用。What the Chinese people are altogether unprepared for, however, is the death of Mao without the comforting presence of Chou En-Lai as chief mourner.

我感到了极度的愤怒因为他没有给我在最后去看母亲的权利并且意识到他想成为母亲走后唯一的哀悼者。I felt a tornado of fury that he had denied me the right to see her at the end and realised that he wanted to be the solitary mourner at his mother's passing.