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这个学生在这篇短论上所作的努力值得赞扬。The student made a creditable effort on the essay.

好价格将是可信的商业合作伙伴。Good price will be for creditable business partner.

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百老汇歌舞团的表演是非常值得赞许的。The performance of Broadway Show is highly creditable.

他的表现很好,在比赛中赢得第二名,值得嘉许。He did very well and finished a creditable second in the race.

他抢救溺水孩子的行为是很值得称赞的。His action in rescuing the drowning child was most creditable.

鉴于这是你的第一次尝试,它还是很可信的。Seeing that this is your first attempt , it is very creditable.

在1997年,更是在联赛中率队打进了不可思议的85个进球。In 1997 he did so with a side that scored a creditable 85 goals.

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他转身向他的朋友们说,这是非常值得表扬的个性。He turned to his friends and remarked on it as a very creditable trait.

讲信用、重承诺历来是中华民族的传统美德。Being creditable and keeping promises are traditional virtues for our nation.

其他组织也能够帮助记者发现可靠的信息来源。Other organisations, too, can help journalists identify creditable sources of information.

在政治和金融方面,凯恩在IMF的工作还是做得很不错的。Mr. Strauss-Kahn did a creditable job in the political and financial aspects of the IMF job.

我想增加的内容开始没有在原来的文章被提及,是因为某些合理的原因吗?Is the content I am adding purposely excluded from the original article for a creditable reason?

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但必须小心的书面因此,它是有说服力和可信的感觉是可信。But it must be carefully written so that it is persuasive and perceived as creditable and believable.

为了检验蒙特卡罗模拟结果的准确程度,同时给出解析结果与之对比,表明该方法应用的正确性。A comparison of the results with the analytic ones shows that the M-C simulation method is creditable.

尽管有新的斯威夫特的体育的身份,它仍然将返回一个体面的37.7加仑的复合式循环。Despite the new Swift's sporting credentials, it still returns a creditable 37.7 mpg on the Combined cycle.

其结果表明,采用清水冲击钻进方法施工的虹吸井成井质量较好。The results of pumping test in situ show that the quality of drilling wells by means of water-percussion is creditable.

他无限关切地来到了浪搏恩,把他的种种疑虑全都诚心诚意地告诉了我们。With the kindest concern he came on to Longbourn, and broke his apprehensions to us in a manner most creditable to his heart.

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结论超声是诊断椎动脉闭塞首选和可靠的非介入性影像检查方法。Conclusion Ultrasonography was the first and creditable noninvasive imaging method in diagnosis of vertebral artery occlusion.

求准确翻译约瑟夫·希克尔斯伯格的球队主场战绩如此之差,能在小组赛里取得一个过得去的名次就算可圈可点的表现了。Josef Hickersberger's hosts are so bad that they would consider one positive result in the group stages a creditable performance.

根据所估算的资本存量计算的各省区的资本产出比较为合理,因而所估算的资本存量是可信的、比较准确的。Then two kinds of the capitals are added to obtain the total capital. The estimated provincial capital stock is creditable and exact.