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家母是家庭主妇。My mother is a homemaker.

埃玛是个节省的家庭主妇。Emma is a price-conscious homemaker.

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埃玛是个节省的家庭主妇。Emma is a price-conscious homemaker.

她的母亲玛利安是个家庭主妇。Her mother, Marian, was a homemaker.

妈妈通常是家庭主妇。The mother is usually the homemaker.

你认为她会甘,心做一个家庭妇女吗?Do you think she is prepared to settle for being a homemaker?

硬水让主妇的家居日常清洁工作更加吃力。For the homemaker water hardness makes home cleaning operations more difficult.

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谈面对通货膨胀的最后一集,我们来看看精打细算的家庭主妇郑嘉蕙,她有许多省钱的小撇步。We meet thrifty homemaker Zheng Jiahui, who has lots of tips on how to save money.

快乐的家庭主妇和心满意足的黑鬼都是由歧视产生的典型人物。The happy homemaker and the contented darky are both stereotypes produced by prejudice.

不论你是一个木匠或是一个治疗师,一个家庭主妇还是教授,这都没有区别。Whether you are a carpenter or a therapist, a homemaker or a professor, it makes no difference.

杜坎特是费城的一个家庭妇女,1965年,她的一个孩子被确诊为得了糖尿病。In 1965, Lee Ducat was a Philadelphia homemaker with a child who had just been found to have diabetes.

“我就是没办法自己一个人运动。”俄亥俄州一个小镇的家庭主妇莉莎‧海蒙这么说。"I am simply incapable of exercising on my own, " says Lisa Hammond, a homemaker from a small town in Ohio.

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当她的丈夫先前失业的时候,她从一个全职太太转变成一个职场女性。She switched from being a full-time homemaker to a full-time businesswoman when her husband was laid off previously.

指引方向在1965年,李·杜凯特是费城的一个家庭主妇,她的孩子刚刚被发现患有糖尿病。Show the way. In 1965, Lee Ducat was a Philadelphia homemaker with a child who had just been found to have diabetes.

她这个36岁的家庭主妇就舒服地躺在那里,甚至还会回答过往顾客的关于床垫质量的问题。The 36-year-old homemaker made herself comfortable and even answered passing shoppers' questions about the quality of the mattress.

“它真快,令人震惊”,来自日本西部的家庭主妇,六十九岁的柯达裕子表示。“It’s so fast, it’s shocking,” said Hiroko Koda, 69, a homemaker from Mie in western Japan who was visiting the track with her husband.

“它真快,令人震惊”,来自日本西部的家庭主妇,六十九岁的柯达裕子表示。“It’s so fast, it’s shocking, ” said Hiroko Koda, 69, a homemaker from Mie in western Japan who was visiting the track with her husband.

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最可爱的“昭和妈妈”小布初登场!她的设计和装扮都反映出日本昭和时期的复古灵感。"Mrs. Retro Mama" is the cutest homemaker on the block! Inspired by the vintage Japanese "Showa" Era, her design and fashion reflects that time period.

一眼望去,没受过专业训练的人可能以为这是家庭主妇在割草,或者是科学家在清理致毒放射性废物。At first sight the untrained eye looking over these pictures might see a homemaker mowing his lawn or scientists cleaning up dangerous radioactive waste

原告是一位60多岁的家庭主妇,下颚第二双尖牙做了烤瓷冠修复后发生持续的过敏现象,从而被转诊到了被告----一位根管治疗专科牙医诊所。Plaintiff was a 60ish homemaker who was referred to the defendant endodontist because of continued sensitivity following crown placement on a lower premolar tooth.