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此区主要由浮游植物和浮游动物组成。The main forms of life in the limnetic zone are phytoplankton and zooplankton.

枝角类和桡足类是淡水浮游动物的主要组成部分。Cladocerans and copepods are two important components in freshwater zooplankton.

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湾内浮游动物的分布,大致反映了不同水系影响的动态。It shows that distribution of zooplankton are responds to different water masses.

随着湖泊水草生物量的增加,浮游动物的多样性指数也随之而增加。The diversity index of zooplankton increased with the increase of macrophyte biomass.

浮游植物密度与浮游动物的昼夜垂直移动关系不密切。The diel vertical migration of zooplankton was irrelevant to the phytoplankton density.

研究结果表明,中山市淡水浮游动物资源比较丰富。This investigation showed that Zhongshan City had abundant freshwater zooplankton species.

而在这个深度以下,我们对于浮游动物的种类,分布及数量的了解都还是一片空白。Below that level, little is known about zooplankton diversity, distribution, and abundance.

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文中还就浮游动物生产力在围隔生态系中的作用等问题进行了讨论。The role of the production of the zooplankton in the enclosure ecosystem was also discussed.

在那里,研究者捕获了500种以上只能在显微镜下才能看到的浮游动物。There, researchers trawled up more than 500 species of microscopic animals called zooplankton.

浮游动物生物量和丰度的平面分布趋势基本一致,有明显季节变化。There was considerable seasonal variation in zooplankton biomass and abundance in the surveyed area.

这对于动物的趋光性是非常重要的,很多浮游动物的幼体都表现出了这种趋光性。This ability is crucial for phototaxis – the swimming towards light exhibited by many zooplankton larvae.

随着浮游动物变得越来越丰富,它们吃掉的浮游植物也就越多,浮游植物的数量就会减少。As zooplankton become more abundant and eat more phytoplankton, the population of phytoplankton should shrink.

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在浮游动物生物量的尺寸案件分别为85和80至八百一十八米至1800米划为温度场。In the case of zooplankton biomass the dimensions were 85 to 818 m and 80 to 1800 m for the temperature field.

柯氏力通过潮夕作用,是长江口北支南北两岸生物量差异形成的重要原因。Coriolis force accounted for the difference of zooplankton biomass in the waters of two shores via tide movement.

我们今天的油田,是寒武纪时期的藻类及浮游动物在地层的高温、高压环境下,经过漫长的时期才逐渐变成的。Eons of subterranean pressure and heat transformed Cambrian zooplankton and algae into present-day petroleum fields.

浮游动物多样性指数平均值为2.232,说明该海域水质和生物群落较稳定、成熟。The average diversity indices of zooplankton was 2.232, indicating that the water and biology community were steady.

2005年春季分两次对淮河蚌埠段水域浮游甲壳动物进行研究。In March and May 2005, we studied the community structure of crustacean zooplankton in Bengbu region of Huaihe River.

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海水的粘度--即其阻力--不会迅速的克服小的浮游动物引起的微量的扰动么?Wouldn't the water's viscosity—its resistance—quickly overcome tiny amounts of turbulence caused by small zooplankton?

浮游动物是在海中漂浮与移动的动物,位在第一线摄食藻类及浮游植物。Zooplankton are the drifting and swimming animals first in line to eat algae and other plant life, called phytoplankton.

而实验结果还表明,浮游动物在比较温暖的水域中会加速繁殖,这可能对某些鱼类有利。However, the results also show that zooplankton should boom in these warmer areas, which could benefit certain fisheries.