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这将增加一点真实度。This will add more realism.

比起写实派,我更喜欢抽象派。I prefer abstract to realism.

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这是现实主义和常识。This is realism and common sense.

这种现实主义做法确实有先例可循。Such realism does have precedents.

直到35岁之后,我才开始写现实的东西。I didn’t write realism until I was 35.

希望是积极的现实主义的中心。At the center of Positive Realism is hope.

他实践生根于土壤的现实主义艺术。He practiced the art of earthbound realism.

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当然,回答是政治上的现实主义。The answer, of course, is political realism.

科学实在论与心灵的可塑性。Scientific Realism and the Plasticity of Mind.

这三者结合起来构成拉斯普京新的现实主义风格。All three aspects form the new realism of Rasputin.

还有,你与魔幻现实主义的关系如何?Also, what is your relationship to magical realism?

这部小说应归人批判现实主义作品之列。This novel comes under the heading of critical realism.

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现实主义最可宝贵的艺术特点在哪里?。What is the most valuable artistic features of realism?

如伤痕,乡土,新生代等等的现实主义美术。If scar, local, cainozoic era and so on realism fine arts.

所以医生要保持希望和乐观,同时也要现实。So always with this idea of hope and optimism but realism.

他发现自己正把它作为现实中的一种尝试在思考。He found himself perpending it as an experiment in realism.

导演还因时写实主义的要求而增加了投入。The director also raised costs with his demands for realism.

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一提到为现实主义奋斗,他感到浑身是劲。He found it invigorating to speak of the struggle for realism.

现实主义是西方国际关系理论中最具影响力的学派之一。Realism is one of the most influential schools of Western IRT.

小说以辛辣的讽刺和批判的现实主义见长。The novel is characterized by sharp satire and critic realism.