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实际上,这个预算方案抛弃了他竞选时期树立的所有目标。It is, in fact, a repudiation of the very goals he has established.

忽视和排斥习惯法的作用对民事审判工作会造成不利的影响。The neglect and repudiation of CL. may have adverse effects on civil trial.

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效率高、实用性强是其特点,它高效解决了收发双方拒认问题。It resolves the repudiation problem both in sender side and in receiver side.

他接受赤裸这一理想,正式拒绝了大众。He adopts this ideal of nakedness precisely as a repudiation of a popular audience.

这一宣言代表了对大革命前的君主政体的批判。The Declaration represented a repudiation of the pre-Revolutionary monarchical regime.

它所捍卫的哲学式王权本身,即是直接与雅典民主,断绝关系。Its defense of philosophic kingship is itself a direct repudiation of Athenian democracy.

这句话的意思是,她的部门不仅要做一名北极星般的指引者,还要焕然一新,与最近一段时间里发挥的作用截然不同。The maxim is meant not just as a lodestar for her agency but also as a repudiation of its recent past.

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给付拒绝,来源于德国法对给付障碍体系之各给付障碍形态划分。The theory of repudiation stems from the systematic division of non-performance put forward by Germany.

今年11月4日他们被选民抛弃,以及公众和历史对他们的记忆,才是对他们所作所为最恰当的回应。Their repudiation this Nov. 4 and the public, historical memory of them is the aptest response to what they did.

在这一段落里马奇亚维利,声明自己的不同,他切断了自己与所有先前模式间的关系,不留根蒂。In this passage, Machiavelli announces his break, indeed his repudiation of all those who have come before, all those who have come before.

协议不仅保证了投标者对所投价位的不可否认性和匿名性,而且保证了拍卖代理对接收标书的不可否认性。The protocol not only guarantees the non repudiation and anonymity of the bidder, but also ensures the non repudiation of the bid received.

然而,对于给付拒绝能否作为一种独立的给付障碍形态,理论上始终存在争议。As to the problem whether repudiation could be deeded as an independent pattern of non-performance, theoretic controversy continuously exists.

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但是,袁世凯对军事留学教育却经历了一个从重视到抵制、排斥的过程,对于学成归国的军事留学生也持怀疑、排斥的态度。But his attitudes toward overseas military education change from attentiveness to repudiation. He is also doubtful and rejective to the returned students.

乍看起来,这条建议貌似说得过去,有点儿像索罗门国王小孩子一分为二的做法,能避免公开否认达赖喇嘛承认的尴尬。On one level this looks like a reasonable, Solomonic split-the-baby approach that avoids an embarrassing open repudiation of the Dalai Lama's endorsement.

俄利根对克理索的思想的全盘否定恰恰为了解基督教世界中的异教思想的一个重要来源,因为克理索的原始手稿未能流传下来。Origen's comprehensive repudiation of Celsus' ideas stands as an important source for pagan ideas about Christianity—since Celsus' original texts do not survive.

文章提出了一种公平的依赖可信第三方的反拒认协议,同时解决了收方和发方的拒认问题。This paper proposes a fair non-repudiation protocol to solve repudiation problem both in sender side and in receiver side, which is based on trusted third party.

鲍里斯.叶利钦即将当选为俄罗斯共和国的总统,他对苏联经济和政治模式持否定态度,虽然戈尔巴乔夫也是这个意思,但叶利钦表现得更加鲜明。Boris Yeltsin was about to be elected president of the Russian Republic with an even more explicit repudiation of Soviet economics and politics than Gorbachev had espoused.

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实际上,这是一种非常从容不迫有意识的,对早期叶芝的书里体现出的后浪漫审美的抛弃,甚至连早期那本书的封面,都体现出了这种倾向。It is, in fact, a very deliberate and self-conscious repudiation of that late romantic aesthetic that Yeats's early book, and even the cover of that early book, represents.

实际上,这是一种非常从容不迫有意识的,对早期叶芝的书里体现出的后浪漫审美的抛弃,甚至连早期那本书的封面,都体现出了这种倾向。It is, in fact, a very deliberate and self-conscious repudiation of that late romantic aesthetic that Yeats's early book, and even the cover of that early book, represents.

爱默生式创新的产生源于其对自己所处时代及社会中存在某些欧洲传统的枷锁的批判,如普遍存在的拜金主义及文坛中盛行的教条主义、形式主义等。Emerson's anti-tradition relates to his repudiation of the European spiritual yoke such as Mamonism, Dogmatism and Formalism which overflowed the era and society he lived in.