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第一周瓷砖就碎了。The tile broke in the first week.

屋顶用瓦铺就,而地面是瓷砖打造。tiled roofs and ceramic tile floors.

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我研究着空心天花板上的一个污点。I examine a stain on the tile ceiling.

大部分都流到油毡地上积成了一滩水。Most of it pools on the linoleum tile.

白色长沙发,白色地毯,白色地砖。White couch, white carpets, white tile.

阴影下面的黑色瓷片。And the black tile under the light there.

地面铺着硬木地板或石板瓷砖。Floors are either hardwood or slate tile.

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接待室的地面砖为软木材料质地。Reception's floor tile is made from cork.

什么叫瓷砖的色差?What calls the chromatism of ceramic tile?

地板砖的大小与铺设价格有关吗?。The size and laying floor tile prices on it?

这种钻头钻的孔眼很小。Drilling ceramic tile requires a speical bit.

每个贴面的计算很简单。The calculation of each tile is quite simple.

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地板砖的大小与铺设价格有关吗?。The size and laying floor tile prices for it?

瓦立阿告诉普什卡游戏刚刚开始。Tile seto tell pushkar game is just beginning.

会更美好,为什么不买新的脚板瓷砖吗?Better yet, why not buy new baseboard tile too?

玉宇琼楼间,琉璃瓦下挂起了雨帘。Magnificent houses, glazed tile hung a curtain.

售货员从布匹上截下一大块。Tile salesman cut a large piece from the cloth.

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和解的爬行动物歇在易碎的瓷砖上.The reconciled reptiles rest on a fragile tile.

父亲是搞建筑的,是瓦工。The father makes the architectural, is a tile work.

瓷砖中所放射出来的氡主要来源镭。Tile in the main source of radon emitted by radium.