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哈利,我不能冒险让海德薇过来。Harry, I couldn 't risk sending Hedwig.

是海德薇,她带来了一封卢平的信。That was Hedwig. She brought a letter from Lupin.

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是海德薇,她带来了一封卢平的信。That was Hedwig. She brought a letter from Lupin.

他把那个曾经属于海德薇的笼子放在床头。He placed the cage that used to belong to Hedwig atop the nightstand.

突然,我们的名字道格海德维格和马克斯海德维格出现在蓝钻光屏幕上。Suddenly, on the Diamond Vision screen, came our names, Doug and Marcus Hedwig.

本片讲述了一个德国易性癖摇滚歌星的故事。Hedwig and the Angry Inch tell a musical story about a transgender rock star from Germany.

幸运的是佩妮姨妈不再到房间里来吸尘了,因为海德薇总是叼死耗子回来。It was lucky that Aunt Petunia didn't come in to vacuum anymore, because Hedwig kept bringing back dead mice.

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幸好帕尤尼亚姨妈再没进来打扫,不然她要是发现海维经常将死老鼠叨进屋就麻烦了。It was lucky that Aunt Petunia didn't come in to vacuum anymore, because Hedwig kept bringing back dead mice.

海德薇没有动,他开始草草地浏览着报纸,随后一张张地扔进垃圾箱里。Hedwig made no movement as he began to flick through newspapers, throwing them into the rubbish pile one by one.

海德薇是一只雌性雪枭,哈利第一次拜访对角巷时,海格将它作为生日礼物送给了哈利。Hedwig is a female snowy owl, given to Harry by Hagrid as a birthday gift on Harry's first visit to Diagon Alley.

德国在欧洲议会的代表目前正亲自向土耳其在欧盟的大使请求,希望释放史提凡。German member of the European parliament, Hedwig Keppelhoff-Wiechert, has now appealed to the Turkish ambassador to the EU to personally see to it that the man is set free.