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我来自加拿大。I’m from Canada.

加拿大魁北克市。Quebec City, Canada.

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他来自加拿大。He comes from Canada.

我出生于加拿大。I was born in Canada.

加拿大食品网欢迎您!Welcome to Canada Food!

哈罗德来自加拿大。Harold comes from Canada.

一个加拿大的炼油厂。An oil refinery in Canada.

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谁曾殖民过加拿大?By whom was Canada settled?

加拿大来的大卫。坎贝乐。David Campbell from Canada.

他们会葬在加拿大Do they bury them in Canada?

他们把幸存者埋在了加拿大?Do they bury them in Canada?

我认识一个来自加拿大的笔友。I know a penpal from Canada.

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西蒙·派伯顿,从加拿大来的。Simon Pemberton from Canada.

其中就包括加拿大和美国。Among them, Canada and the US.

这位是来自加拿大的里奇.And this is Ridge from Canada.

加拿大已经确认了165名病例。Canada has reported 165 cases.

在加拿大人们穿雪鞋。Snow-shoes are worn in Canada.

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加拿大奥郁图科国家公园Auyuittuq National Park, Canada

加拿大是在池袋赤道的北部。Canada is north of the equator.

加拿大出产小麦和毛皮。Canada produces wheat and furs.