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瓦板具有可钉﹑可砖﹑可锯的特性。Tiles can be nailed , drilled or sawn.

所有的树已被锯成原木。All the trees have been sawn up into logs.

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可望见想象无穷的天堂。What largeness thinks in Paradise was sawn.

板材-木门、窗户、乐器构造材。Sawn lumer-doors, windows and musical instruments.

如果是一个木材场,吸入锯开的木头的味道。If it's a lumber yard, take in the smell of sawn wood.

松木的一个特点是容易锯开。One quality of pinewood is that it can be sawn easily.

他们显示,在其它东西里,一个人被锯成两半。Theyshow, among other things, a man being sawn in half.

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在其他场景中有个男的正在被锯成两段。They show, among other things, a man being sawn in half.

这种木料的一个特点是容易锯开。One quality of this kind of timber is that it can be sawn easily.

我店有十年锯木经验的锯木木师。I shop with 10 years experience of sawn wood sawing Mumu division.

没有可以打开的门。没有可以转动的锁。没有可以锯断的栅栏。No doors to be opened, no locks to be turned, no bars to be sawn apart.

他们把那棵倒下的树锯断了,因此贮存了丰富的柴火。They had sawn up the fallen tree, so they had a good store of firewood.

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至于采购木材的规格,锯木场可以根据家具公司提供的规格进行度身定做。As to the specification of the sawn timber , it can be done accordingly.

她自己买比赛服,然后缝上国旗。She bought the sport suit by herself and sawn national flag on her suit.

新木地板应锯从FSC的生长木材认证的森林。New wood flooring should be sawn from timber grown in FSC-certified forests.

只有用心体会,你才能看得更清楚。不能单凭眼睛看清事物的本质。Only with you heart you can see well. The essential can not be sawn with eyes.

熏蒸屋是一个斧劈原木、锯材和铣削木材层积而成的作品。The smokehouse is a layered assembly of hewn logs, sawn timber, and milled lumber.

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每一块被锯成现场,模拟现场,螺栓在现场,在现场发明。Each piece was sawn on site, modeled on the spot, bolted on the spot, invented at the site.

使用锡特卡云杉做甲板应该径向切割,这样的视觉效果最佳。For optimal visual effects when using sitka-spruce for deck planking it should be quarter sawn.

对已产生变形的小规格锯材,本文进行了热压校正试验。The hot pressing correction to the small size sawn timber deformed has been tested in this paper.