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数据及时性必须交流。Timeliness of data must be communicated.

时效性就涉及到了运输政策。Timeliness extends to shipping policies, too.

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除了它的竞争力,让Twitter与众不同的就是它的及时性。What sets Twitter apart from its competition is its timeliness.

突发事件中"全民记者"的优势体现在发布新闻的及时性上。The advantage of citizen reporters in unexpected incidents is their timeliness.

现在为省时卖家会首选平邮。Now regular mail is by no means the top choice for shoppers in terms of timeliness.

对客户来说,网络印刷的主要好处在于快捷的速度和合适的时间。For customers, the key benefits are the speed and timeliness that Web-to-print offers.

第一章解决的是时间和保有积极态度的问题。The first chapter deals with issues of timeliness and having a positive mental attitude.

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可配置的分发周期,允许在及时性和缓存利用率之间获得平衡Configurable distribution interval allows tradeoff between timeliness and cache utilization

在怀疑是因为分析原因造成OOT结果时,及时展开调查很重要。Timeliness is especially important when an analytical error is suspected of causing OOT results.

如果你能答以相关性、及时性和趣味性,那么你就找到了合适的主题。If you can answer this question with relevance, timeliness and human interest, you have a winner.

合理性、合人情、合时代是新式儒者人格应当具备的三个基本特征。Its three basic characters are rationality, being in harmony with the human touch and timeliness.

结果表明,KNO3对大葱种子具有引发效果,但引发的时效性因检测指标而变。The results showed that there effect in priming of KNO3, but timeliness varied with index tested.

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一个给定的域的完整性、有效性和及时性并不总是可以孤立地加以评估。The completeness, validity, and timeliness of a given domain cannot always be assessed in isolation.

然而,作为任何一个地球自然人个体生命现象来说,是有时间性限制的。However, as any one earth natural person individual life phenomenon, it is with timeliness restrictions.

及时性很重要,因为它规定了先于系统运行作出反应的时间标准。Timeliness is important as it defines the response-time criterion in advance of the system's implementation.

因此在监视的时效性不太重要或网络和硬件资源充足的情况下,轮询是非常有用的。Thus polling is useful when monitoring timeliness is not an issue or network and hardware resources are abundant.

尽量争取各国的支持是一个重要目标,但抓住时机也是非常必要的。It's an important objective to get as many supporters as possible, but timeliness is also an important imperative.

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从技术性与艺术性的角度而言,这种时间性和空间性在演奏领域内显得尤为重要。So, the timeliness and spatiality is very important for performance From the viewpoint of techniques and artistry.

核查涉外收支申报数据全面性和及时性。Verifying the comprehensiveness and timeliness of the data in foreign-related revenue and expenditure declaration.

将其应用于交通流检测系统,可增强整个系统的实时性和鲁棒性。Its application to the detection system of traffic flow can strengthen the timeliness and robustness of the system.