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他们管这个叫VHR,非常高的准备。They call this, VHR, very high readiness.

我们都佩服他乐于助人的精神。We all admire his readiness to help others.

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时间快到了,所有的人都作好了准备。As the time drew on, all stood in readiness.

部队已进入战备状态。The troops have entered into combat readiness.

这能叫虚心接受批评么?Can this be called readiness to accept criticism?

儿科患者的脱机和拔管准备。Weaning and extubation readiness in pediatric patients.

福州进入了紧张而有序的备战状态。Fuzhou entered anxiously , but order readiness condition.

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这个孩子乐意帮助别人弥补了他顽皮之不足。The child's readiness to help carried off his naughtiness.

战斗准备现在更加有效了――怎么有效了?不解。The effects of combat readiness is now much more effective.

该强大力量就是那些热爱自由者的蓄势待发。The mighty force is the readiness of those who love freedom.

这种较高的总线速度是迈向千兆位的主要因素。This faster bus speed is a major factor in gigabit readiness.

确保启动阶段工位准备所需达到的水平。Ensure the desired level of workstation readiness for start-up.

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学习是自觉自愿的行为。Learning is a behavior which calls for readiness and willingness.

主要任务就是增强部队的战斗能力。The primary task is to increase the combat readiness of our forces.

撰写很好的准备就绪的计划回答了先前列举的问题。A well-crafted readiness plan answers the questions itemized earlier.

越南人对北京可能的挑衅并不抱有幻想。The Vietnamese have no illusions about Beijing's readiness to provoke.

但是这些并不能摒除对这两个新成员资格的怀疑。This is not to dismiss doubts over the readiness of the two newcomers.

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持续监视安全装置中紧急的状况。Continuously monitors installed safety devices for emergency readiness.

我们正在提供直接的医疗援助,加强医院的收治能力。We are providing direct medical services and improving hospital readiness.

这份记录同时说明了美国军队想要发动致命行动的意愿。The logs also illustrate the readiness of US forces to unleash lethal force.