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白瑞德可不这样想。Rhett Butler not think so.

每次都是男管家把餐具摆好。The butler always laid the table.

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多么大的冲击是管家。What a big shock it is to Butler.

南希微笑着向男管家致谢。Nancy smiled and thanked the butler.

他试演男管家这个角色He auditioned for the role of the butler.

巴特勒平常很罕用‘家庭’这个词汇。Butler does not use the word 'family' lightly.

花瓶碎了,把瑞特·巴特勒吓了一跳。The crashing of the vase startles Rhett Butler.

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花瓶的破碎声惊动了白瑞德。The crashing of the vase startles Rhett Butler.

威尔克靳太太昏过去了,巴特勒船长。Miss Melly done fainted way back, Captain Butler.

巴特勒右膝盖受伤,今天晚上不会重新出场了。Butler right knee injury. Will not return tonight.

钱是延长生命的,我的挣法适得其反。Children are life renewing itself, Captain Butler.

老管家车前马后把主人服侍得很周到。The old butler takes very good care of his master.

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下周我们来看威廉·巴特勒·叶芝。Next week we will go to work on William Butler Yeats.

白瑞德开始追求郝思嘉,但遭到她的拒绝。Butler began to pursue Scarlett, but she was rejected.

管家开了门,责怪他不走旁门。The butler who opened the door damned near passed out.

这是对埃德温·贾维斯的致敬,他是托尼·斯塔克的男管家。This is a tribute to Edwin Jarvis, Tony Stark's butler.

巴特勒骂自己的小女儿是小娼妇,也觉得很惭愧。Butler was sorry that he had called his youngest a baggage.

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酒政却不记念约瑟,竟忘了他。Yet did not the chief butler remember Joseph, but forgat him.

尼克-杨,巴特勒发威,不过仍然没有能够阻止湖人取得50胜。Young, Butler not enough pop for Wizards as Lakers win No. 50

斯佳丽挤过人群,走向瑞德。俩人跳舞。Scarlett squeezes through the crowd to Butler. They go dancing.