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他跛足,穿一件无纽扣的短上衣。He was lame, and was wearing a bolero.

这是一段莫里斯·拉威尔的,名叫,波莱罗舞曲,的作品It's a piece by Maurice Ravel called Bolero.

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深色金属彻底竖起的波丽的外观。A darker metallic ruffled bolero completes the look.

或者一件短上衣夹克,或者一些特殊场合需要的东西。or a bolero jacket or something for a special occasion.

花边开口短上衣夹克使这套两件式套装非常适合典礼或者庆典。The lace bolero would make it a very wearable two piece for a ceremony or a blessing.

这种帝政线条长裙和花边开口短上衣夹克将会适合无数特定场合。This empire line dress and lace bolero jacket left would fit no end of special occasions.

这已经是大大超出了总统候选人到要求了。Anyway, the second half had some smaller pieces. The only interesting one to me is Ravel's Bolero.

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考虑在投资或罗唆舞曲雪纺周围,以防天气转冷应该披上你的怀抱。Consider investing in a bolero or simply have chiffon draped around your arms in case the weather should turn cold.

带有装饰的波蕾若短款精制上装,长及腰节,前开襟,胸部暴露。The short decorated tailored jacket in bolero style, reached to the waist, open in front, leaving the breasts bare.

我们用拉威尔的充满动态和复杂性的波莱罗舞曲来试音。马上感觉到它的音量钮是过于敏感了。We gave the V-CAN Ravel's dynamic and complex Bolero and immediately noticed that the volume control is incredibly sensitive.

歪歪扭扭的牛仔裤、连在一起的皮上衣和普普通通的运动鞋简直是家常便饭,至少他们看起来很像那样。The crumpled jeans, lived-in leather bolero and workaday trainers were regulation issue. At least they were designed to look like that.

当天早上在白金汉宫,米歇尔・奥巴马穿着一件及膝宝石绿绣花长裙,上身搭配无扣短上衣…This morning at Buckingham Palace, Michelle Obama donned a knee length turquoise dress with embroidered flowers accompanied by a pink bolero.