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新颖是首当气冲的。Novelty is one.

但很快,这种新鲜感就逐渐淡化。But soon, the novelty wore off.

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借用外来词,达到新颖的效果。Use of loanword so as to create novelty.

是的,这是林书豪与众不同的原因之一。Yes, that's one reason Lin is a novelty.

作者似乎在力图标新立异。The author seems to strain after novelty.

在印度,这样的优惠卡机制无疑会是一次革新。Such a programme will be a novelty in India.

环境的新奇感很快就淡化了。The novelty of her surrounding soon wore off.

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鼓励自己心胸开阔,接受新奇事物。Encourage openness to yourself and to novelty.

地理定位本身就是一项新技术。Geolocation by itself is somewhat of a novelty.

最近的一种新奇铅笔,里面有一卷纸。One recent novelty is a pencil with paper in it.

现在,不吸烟可能反而是件新鲜事了。Perhaps now the novelty should be the nonsmoker?

在继续前,因为首次遇到它我强调下Just to mention as we go past it, a novelty here.

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他怎么看他创造的新事物呢?What did he think of as his novelty? What was new?

可悲的是,当你取得进步时,新奇感就会消退。Sadly, as you make progress, the novelty wears off.

它的轻便耐磨的齿轮被看做是一个传奇。Its light and resistant gear was taken as a novelty.

教师可以把新颖性融入到新的教学信息里。You can build novelty into teaching new information.

我开始想,这份新鲜感会不会很快过去。I start to wonder whether this novelty will wear off.

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猎奇带来了有用的经验。A love of novelty leads directly to useful experience.

罗兰·巴特的“新奇”则是指“文”的生产性。Roland Barthes' novelty denotes the productivity of "text".

这不仅仅是因为新意必将逐渐消退的铁则。This is not only because of the iron law of waning novelty.