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大家都喜欢卡士伯这个友善的鬼。Everybody likes Casper the friendly ghost.

卡斯帕`海德伯格—-国际先驱论坛报Casper Hedberg for the International Herald Tribune

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还记得好莱坞电影里的小精灵吗?Do you still remember the casper in the movie of Hollywood?

卡斯珀动物保护协会一位不愿透露姓名的朋友承担了这笔费用。An anonymous friend of the Humane Society in Casper had taken care of it.

Casper就像任何一位乘坐公共交通工具的老年人。And Casper is like any other senior citizen who rides public transportation.

这是他们第一次见乐然呢,一下子就喜欢上了我们的开心宝。It is first first time Yokechin and Kelvin meet Casper. They are so sweet to him.

但近来的一个清晨,法登去靠近她家的车站,Casper紧跟其后。But one recent morning, Finden went to the bus stop near her home and Casper followed her.

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切尼于1941年1月30日出生在内布拉斯加州的林肯,成长在怀俄明州的加斯伯。Mr. Cheney was born in Lincoln, Nebraska, on January 30, 1941 and grew up in Casper , Wyoming.

强调鬼魂的友好,傻傻的老人提着灯笼,可怜孤独的老巫婆。Stress Casper the Friendly Ghost, the "silly" old jack-o'-lantern, the poor, lonely old witch.

他们在2011年开始恋爱,那时卡斯珀才24岁,詹妮弗42岁,两人之间相差18岁。They started dating in 2011 when Casper was just 24 and Jennifer was 42 – that's an 18 year age gap.

昨天,你只是一个孩子,起到了一定的作用,作为大风在电影叫卡斯帕尔会见温迪。Yesterday, you were just a child who played a role as Windy in the movie show called Casper Meets Wendy.

我将给你寄去一些卡通人物造型,你一定要多多使用,把它用在你的标本上,它将会使它们看起来更完美。Casper , please as soon as possible, send them the body you have. Because they will work better with a sample.

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小精灵的恐怖校园是基于动画电影鬼马小精灵的动画片。Casper's Scare School is an animated series based on the computer film of the same name starring Casper the Friendly Ghost.

美国海豹部队这回要跟时间竞赛,必须在贾斯普获得超级炸弹之前,把超级炸弹找出并摧毁,解除全球的恐怖威胁。Seals is ordered to grab the bomb and destroy it before Casper did so as to relieve the potential threat to the entire world.

12岁的猫Casper,在它的黄金岁月,发现了一个非常有效的方法,在英国城市普利茅斯游荡。In his golden years, 12-year-old Casper the cat has discovered a very efficient way to get around the English city of Plymouth.

法登照顾一群老猫,注意到Casper偶尔消失,而且最终会回到家。Finden, who cares for a bunch of geriatric felines, noticed that Casper would occasionally disappear and eventually return home.

乐然看着爸爸和别的小朋友看电脑,玩游戏,看着看着,忽然眼巴巴的,有点扁嘴。Casper watched and watched and little by little he looked like he's envying! Casper became jealous about his papa playing with other child.

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他们开了108英里到了怀俄明州罗林斯,在那儿和从118英里外卡斯珀城来的卡西会面。They drove the 108 miles to Rawlings, Wyoming. There they rendezvoused4 with a woman named Cathy, who'd come 118 miles from Casper to meet them.

尽管第一英国巴士的员工们在巴士站贴Casper的海报,传播这个消息,但许多司机对这只小猫乘客早已耳熟能详。Though First UK Bus staff spread the word about Casper on posters at the bus depot, many of the drivers were already well-acquainted with the commuter kitty.

因为恐怖分子有着强大的火力支援,所以他必须在暗中盗取炸弹。Seals. The terrorist, known as Casper , doesn't yet have the bomb to make the sale, resulting in a tense, nervous race against time between the Seals and the terrorist.