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他骂他是一个鬼鬼祟祟的呆子。He calls him a sneaking fool!

盗用井水经常引起械斗。Sneaking water often caused serious fight.

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她不买票就想混进场内看演出,被当场捉住.She was caught sneaking into the show without paying.

他们飞快地跑回木屋,看到皇后正在逃跑,连忙追了上去。They saw the Queen sneaking off, and they ran after her.

他偷偷从后门溜走才躲过了采访者。He ducked the interviewers by sneaking out the back door.

你可能已经决定偷偷溜出去确实相当有危险。You may have also decided that sneaking out is too risky.

保罗想在考试中夹带小抄作弊。Paul tried to cheat on his test by sneaking in a crib card.

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用你的火鸡枪炸死那些肮脏委琐的潜伏者。Blast those dirty, sneaking Rogues with your Turkey Shooter.

盛怒之下,偷偷溜出去看上去似乎是真正的解决之道。Sneaking out may seem like a real option in the heat of anger.

时间在溜走,一点一滴,没有声息。The time is sneaking off, Bit by bit, does not have the sound.

你父亲知道你偷溜出去?你和谁出去?。Did your father find out you were sneaking out and who you were with?

某天晚上晚饭后,我发现他偷偷潜进厨房。The other night after dinner, I caught him sneaking into the kitchen.

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佛说人的生命在呼吸之间,我听闻暗自惭愧。Buddha said human life in breathing, I heard between sneaking ashamed.

鬼鬼祟祟的去东海这又算是哪门子天定命运?Which part of Manifest Destiny does sneaking under EastChina Sea belong?

不要畏首畏尾,惧怕反动分子混进来。We should not be overcautious or too afraid of reactionaries sneaking in.

周天禹偷偷溜出去玩,被陆粉英搭讪。Zhou Tianyu sneaking out to play, be lu powder the strike up a conversation.

如果你只是旁敲侧击的去了解你孩子的状况,你不会有好的感觉。You can't feel good about sneaking around to get information on your own kid.

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当然,私自携带笔记进入考场或抄袭他人答案也是禁止的。Of course sneaking notes into an exam or copying from others is also forbidden.

但太多人溜进营地,就是为了得到免费救济品。But he says too many people are sneaking into the camp to receive free handouts.

负疚感是一件很有趣的事情,它习惯于当你毫无准备的时候向你袭来。Guilt is a funny thing. It has a habit of sneaking up on you when you least expect it.