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他们推翻政府的企图终成泡影。A plot to overthrow the government.

你做不能颠覆政权的事。You cannot overthrow the government.

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我早知道你最终会把我打倒。I knew you would overthrow me in the end.

他们密谋推翻政府。They conspired to overthrow the government.

他带著推翻总督的决心离开。He leaves, determined to overthrow the doge.

他们共同密谋颠覆政府。They con spired to overthrow the Government.

他们蓄谋推翻政府。They are plotting to overthrow the government.

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他们阴谋推翻政府。They schemed for the overthrow the government.

他们供称目的是推翻政府。Their avowed aim is to overthrow the government.

你以为你把谁谁谁打倒了,其实。For, those, whom thou think'st, thou dost overthrow.

不久攻克北京,推翻明王朝。Soon capture Beijing, to overthrow the Ming Dynasty.

他领导的军事推翻伊德里斯国王不在时。He led a military overthrow while King Idris was away.

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他们推翻政府的企图终成泡影。Their attempt to overthrow the government ended in nothing.

我们推翻了老旧的品管组织,因为他们已经过时了。We overthrow the old qc group, because they are out of date.

各造反派联合起来共同推翻政府。The rebel factions made common cause to overthrow the regime.

然后华盛顿欢呼着庆祝对其统治的颠覆,而过去则被擦的一干二净。Then Washington hailed his overthrow while the past was erased.

显然,解决办法就是对抗并推翻这些压迫者。Obviously the solution is to resist and overthrow the oppressors.

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这些反动势力还未强大到可以推翻新政府。The insurgents are too weak to overthrow the newly emerging order.

高丽大臣李资谦企图推翻仁宗王楷,但是失败。Yi Ja-gyeom of Goryeo makes a failed attempt to overthrow King Injong.

如果我们试图以武力推翻卡扎菲,我们的联盟便会分裂。If we tried to overthrow Qaddafi by force, our coalition would splinter.