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我已经注意到了。I have noticed that.

但没人注意到它。But no one noticed that.

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他也一定注意到了我。He must have noticed me.

我想他没有注意到这个。I don't think he noticed.

他说他根本没有注意到。He said he hadn't noticed.

先生们,你们注意没有?Sirs, have you not noticed?

没人注意他俩离开。No one noticed them leaving.

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蒂米注意到前面一辆汽车。Timmy noticed a car in front.

你注意到这些纺织品了吗?Have you noticed these weavings?

没人注意到他失踪了。No one noticed his disappearance.

芝尔豪伊镇的人注意到了。People in Chilhowie noticed that.

是的,我们会注意到的。Yeah, we would have noticed that.

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但接着,我又注意到了别的。And then I noticed something else.

你是否注意到腿有肿胀感?Have you noticed any leg swelling?

他在我没注意时溜掉了。He jacked off before I noticed it.

我在我男朋友身上看到了这一点。I've noticed this in my boyfriend.

难道你没看到熔岩流吗?Have you noticed the river of lava?

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他注意到墨水都是黄色的。He noticed that the ink was yellow.

如果注意到了,你应该打断我If you noticed it, you got to stop.

我是说量热计是个很大的东西。Noticed that's not per mole, right.