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你认为你的工作也有些顺势疗法的意思?Do you think there's something to homeopathy as well?

我想试一下顺势疗法或灵气疗法,尽管我他们是荒谬的。I'd go for homeopathy or reiki except I think they're nonsense.

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没有令人信服的证据表明顺势疗法优于安慰剂。there was no convincing evidence that homeopathy was superior to placebo.

应该注意到有趣的是,英国皇家一直在采用顺势疗法。It is interesting to note, that the Royal Family in England only use homeopathy.

晚上会听见上铺有蛀虫在啃食木板,木屑就顺势而下。Upper night will hear a plank of wood borers in defoliation , and the sawdust on homeopathy.

然而实际上,这些药片只是一种宽心剂,一种没有药物成分的糖片,类似于顺势疗法的药片罢了。In fact it was just a placebo, a pill with no medicine, a sugar pill, like a homeopathy pill.

非正统医术包括针灸、顺势疗法、整骨术、催眠疗法等治疗方法。Alternative medicine includes treatments such as acupuncture homeopathy osteopathy and hypnotherapy.

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因此,批评者认为继续顺利疗法的科学性研究没有什么价值。For these reasons, critics argue that continuing the scientific study of homeopathy is not worthwhile.

英国王室家族可以负担的起世界上任何一种保健方式,然而他们选择了自然疗法和顺势疗法。This family could afford any kind of care in the world, yet they choose natural therapy and homeopathy.

伴随着咖啡的浓郁醇香和音乐的舒缓,心底的柔情蜜意也顺势荡漾开来。Accompanied by strong coffee and mellow music soothes, tenderness of heart waves also open to homeopathy.

著名的例子包括草药和其他营养补充剂、针灸、芳香疗法和顺势疗法。Well known examples include herbal and other nutritional supplements, acupuncture, aromatherapy and homeopathy.

打开黄页,你会发现很多不同的疗法,由「香薰疗法」到「清肠疗法」、「针灸」、「顺势疗法」等。Looking in any directory, you will find entries from aromatherapy to colonic irrigation, acupuncture to homeopathy.

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某些此类治疗是基于中药、印度草医学或顺势疗法的传统疗法。Some such therapies are based on the traditional practices of Traditional Chinese Medicine, ayurveda or homeopathy.

所有的科学都没有任何正当理由为这一思想辩护——然而,却有一些微小的证据证明顺势疗法在起作用。There is no justification in all of science for this idea -- and yet there remains some slim evidence that homeopathy works.

随着近日利空消息不断,原油下跌效应牵动大宗商品出现暴跌,棉花也顺势普跌。As recently bad news continues, crude oil decreased effects affecting commodity collapse, cotton General homeopathy also fell.

德国为国内八千万的公民提供的是全面的医疗保险,包括医药,牙科,心理保健,顺势疗法和温泉治疗。For its 80 million people, Germany offers universal health care, including medical, dental, mental health, homeopathy and spa treatment.

这时一支小胳膊已经伸到东方的背后,另一支扶着东方的肩,东方顺势坐起,倚靠在床边。At this time a small arms have been behind the Shendao East, the other pulled the east shoulder, Eastern homeopathy Zuoqi, rely on the bedside.

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顺势疗法。在欧洲十分流行,这种疗法能够帮助你获得动力,当然了,一名专家能够给你很大的帮助。Homeopathy. Widespread in Europe, homeopathy is gaining momentum on our side of the Atlantic. Again, an expert can direct you to the right products.

你是为随波逐流而跟随那些讲顺势疗法不可信但无亲身体验过的消极科学家去写?Are you just following the words of those scientists who say that homeopathy is not trust-worthy, when they have not tried homeopathy for themselves?

顺势疗法建立在“同类理论”的基础上,其理念是用一种原料使身体产生一些症状,来帮助“战胜”另一些症状。Homeopathy is based upon the "law of similars". The idea is an ingredient that causes a certain symptom can help trigger the body to "fight" that symptom.