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他只是看起来像参差不齐少年向我。He just looks like a spotty teenager to me.

目前,我们对于太阳风暴的预测能力还不足。At present, the forecasting ability for CMEs is spotty.

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最后发现是像地球一般的球状物。It turned out to be a spotty globe just like the earth.

她涂上了一层化妆水来遮掩脸上的斑斑点点。She put on layers of make-up to cover her spotty complexion.

一天早上,斯波蒂终于拒绝接受“不”的回答。Finally, one morning Spotty refused to take “no” for an answer.

这家公司的历史的确劣迹斑斑,特别是当它是联合果品公司的时期。The company does have a spotty history, especially when it was United Fruit.

相比较而言,雨量计更加准确,但是这种覆盖面准确度的价值却参差不齐。Gauges are much more accurate, but the price of that accuracy is spotty coverage.

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斯波蒂不仅仅只是带领布朗尼的主人来到它被困的朋友跟前。Spotty had done more than simply led Brownie’s human owner to his trapped friend.

病变区内见云絮状密度增高9例,见砂粒状和斑点状骨化或条片状钙化影6例。Cloudy dense areas 9 case, sandy and spotty dense areas of striped calcifications 6cases.

大多数古代的泥炭森林都逐渐消失,只留下曾经存在过的零星证据。Most ancient peat forests die gradually, leaving only spotty evidence of what grew there.

进行中的是清理一些地震残骸,尽管那最多是琐碎的工作。The progress is coming in the form of clearing some debris, though that's spotty at best.

但天空中云团滚滚,环境光线也在直射和散射的阳光间交替。But spotty clouds rolled in and the ambient light fluctuated between direct and diffused sun.

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我们美国也曾试图买回我们援助出去的武器,但这样回购取得的效果时好时坏。We can attempt to buy back our guns, but the track record of gun buyback programs is spotty at best.

曼哈顿下城区,特别是南街海港附近的一些公司,服务依旧不完善。Some businesses in Lower Manhattan particularly near the South Street Seaport still have spotty service.

像你现在所知道的,对儿童玩具安全性的监察是参差不齐的。As by now you are well aware, it turns out surveillance of the safety of children's toys has been spotty.

除了摄影之外,在无线电不够灵光的时候,鸽子也可以被用来传递情报。Beyond photography, the birds also carried messages at times when radio communication was spotty or down.

你可以考虑一下深色牛仔裤搭配明亮色系的圆点上衣,或者是纯色直筒连衣裙配上显腰身儿的圆点外衣。Think dark jeans with a bright polka-dot top, or contrast a nude shift dress with a tailored spotty jacket.

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加用消融术后,CT扫描显示,残癌中央斑点状气化29例,全部汽化6例。CT scan showed spotty gasification in 29 cases and whole gasification in 6 after additional ablation treatment.

在瑞金特的通讯链路失灵之前,他只收到了一些不连续的关于哨兵发动袭击的报告。The Regent had only received a few spotty reports of the Sentinels' onslaught before his commo links went dead.

放眼望去,一些斑点状的绿色也出现在7月还是骇人的不毛之地上。From the air, a spotty green canopy can be seen in place of the forbidding brown landscape that existed in July.