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未发现对肝片吸虫感染有高抵抗力的品种。Sheep breeds with high resistance against Fasciola hepatica has not been found.

目的调查大理地区鼠类动物肝毛细线虫感染的情况。Objective To investigate the infection rate of Capillaria hepatica in rats in Dali.

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目的探讨消脂健肝饮治疗非酒精性脂肪肝的作用机制。Objective To study the effect of XiaoZhiJianGanYin on non-alcohol adiposis hepatica.

经CT检查显示患者大腿、小腿的皮下脂肪萎缩,内脏脂肪增加,存在脂肪肝。The CT shows that this patient is referred for lipoatrophy of thigh and cnemis, increased visceral fat, adiposis hepatica.

应用硝氯酚和福诺得在绵羊中进行了驱除肝片吸虫效果的比较试验。Niclofalan and refoxanide were used to conduct the comparison experiment of effect on Deworming Fasciola hepatica in sheep.

空腹血糖受损者的脂肪肝和高血脂的发病率明显高于空腹血糖正常者。The incidence of adiposis hepatica and hyperlipemia in the IFG individuals is significantly higher than that of normal controls.

文章对近年有关化痰祛瘀中药治疗脂肪肝方面的研究进展文献资料进行了综述。The paper summarized the study progress in treatment of adiposis hepatica with Chinese crude drugs to dissipate phlegm and remove blood stasis.

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以国产三氯苯咪唑对自然感染肝片形吸虫的山羊进行了驱虫试验,并以硝氯酚为药物对照。The efficacy of triclabendazole made in China was tested againstFasciola hepatica in naturally infected goats and compared with that of niclofolan.

足部按摩疗法则是通过全足反射区按摩增加脂肪肝患者门脉血流速度。A podalic massage therapy promotes the portal vein's blood speed of the patients suffering adiposis hepatica by massaging the whole foot reflection area.

通过寄生虫区系调查和临床检验,发现肝片形吸虫及消化道圆形线虫感染普遍。Through parasite fauna investigation and clinical detection, the popularity of Fasciola hepatica and Strongylus vulgaris in digestive channel of tovine was discovered.

结果显示,两型肝片吸虫过氧化物酶同工酶谱有显著性差别,苹果酸脱氢酶及酯酶同工酶谱也出现变异酶带。The results showed that there were significantly different patterns between two types of Fasciola hepatica by PO and varied enzyme bands between two types by MDH and EST.

病毒性肝炎、药物性肝病、原因不明黄疸、暴发性肝衰竭以及妊娠急性脂肪肝患者的肝功能明显异常。Viral hepatitis, drug-induced liver disease, unknown reason diseases, acute liver failure and acute adiposis hepatica on gestational period had significant abnormal liver function.