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变戏法的人讨厌推搡。Or a juggler hates a shove.

为什么不问问你那个变戏法的呢?Why don't you ask the juggler?

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日子的鬼把戏也没了!And the juggler of day is gone!

然后抓住它就像一个魔术师。And then caught it like a juggler.

杂技演员骑在独轮车上表演。The juggler performed atop a unicycle.

庄是来自苏州的马戏魔术师。Zhuang is a circus juggler from Suzhou.

那变魔术的人从帽子里变出一只兔子。The juggler conjured a rabbit out of his hat.

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那个耍把戏的人从帽子里变出一只兔子来。The juggler conjured a rabbit out of the hat.

所有这一切都是用魔术师般巧妙手法完成的。All this was done with the talent of a juggler.

变戏法者使市民们叹为观止。The juggler was the amazement of the whole city.

玩杂耍的人周围围了一大群孩子。The juggler collected a crowd of children around him.

他的滑稽表演是基于他那魔术师和杂技演员的高超技艺上的。His clowning is founded on extreme skill as juggler and acrobat.

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只在一个变戏法的人接不到球的时候,他才能吸引我。Only when a juggler misses catching his ball does he appeal to me.

当然作为一名又忙工作又照顾家庭的人,我在独享电视的同时往往会做些其他事情。Of course being the juggler that I am, I tend to multitask as well.

如果你获胜,则玩火人对每个阻挡他的生物造成4点伤害。If you win, Fire Juggler deals 4 damage to each creature blocking it.

这个概念相似于有很多球的耍戏法人会把球维持在空中同一时刻是一样的。This concept is similar to the number of balls a juggler can keep in the air at one time.

勇敢和戴西喜欢在空中走钢厂丝绳,而喜欢杂耍的杰克却愿意双脚沾地。Daredevil Daisy likes the highwire, but juggler Jack prefers his feet firmly on the ground.

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请把你的口袋和口袋里那个变戏法的给我吧。Please give me your bag and the juggler in it. I will give you a package of gold coins for it.

我们中间有些人就像这位老杂耍者一样,对自己的力量和能力非常自信。Yet some of us are like that juggler. We're very confident in our own strengths and abilities.

这个表演杂耍在音乐厅舞台上演得太差劲,因此被观众喝了倒彩。The juggler put up such a poor show on the music hall stage that he got the bird from the audience.