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试试有氧活动。Try aerobics.

做有氧运动吗?Doing aerobics?

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你可以试试有氧操。You can do some aerobics.

我每周进行一次健美操锻炼。I do aerobics once a week.

这是我们的健美操房。This is our aerobics room.

你们有有氧操的课程吗?Do you have aerobics class-es?

你练过健美操吗?。Have you done aerobics before?

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她每周跳一次有氧操。She does the aerobics once a week.

我要去健身房跳有氧操。I want to go to a gym with aerobics.

她每周做两次有氧操。She does the aerobics twice every week.

有氧运动和自由体操。Sports Aerobics and General Gymnastics.

有氧操是女人健身的好方式。Aerobics are good for women to keep fit.

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有氧搏击操需要多少时间?How many times does kwando aerobics need?

她们玩的正是有氧搏击操。What are they playing is kwando aerobics.

最初,我们穿着它上健美操课。First, we wore them tapered for aerobics.

因此,健美操是我最喜爱的一种运动。As a result, aerobics is my favorite sport.

我想我得上些有氧运动的课程了。I think I have to take an aerobics class now.

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这每周三次的健美操课能给你承诺?That tri-weekly commitment to aerobics class?

有氧运动更加有趣,呼拉圈是其中的一个项目。Aerobics were more fun, including hula hooping.

这是你第一节有氧运动高级班吗?Is this your very first advanced aerobics class?