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非斯是摩洛哥的一座城市。Fez is a city in Morocco.

非斯是摩洛哥的一座城市。D Fez is a city in Morocco.

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留尼旺,南非和肯尼亚摩洛哥。Reunion, South Africa and Morocco. Kenya.

摩洛哥是个有主权的独立君主国。Morocco is a sovereign independent monartery.

她在摩洛哥看着审查过的电影长大。She grew up watching censored movies in Morocco.

摩洛哥皮具精细纹理的山羊皮。书皮用的物料。Morocco goatskin with fine grain for book covers.

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甚至连摩洛哥的王室也是他们的股东。Even the royal family of Morocco is a shareholder.

之后不久,他在摩洛哥的拉巴特见到了纳塞尔。Shortly thereafter, he met Nasser in Rabat, Morocco

第一个承认我的国家的是摩洛哥。The first nation to recognize my country was Morocco.

选择你的下一次访问摩洛哥坑梓塔酒店。Choose Kenzi Tower Hotel for your next visit to Morocco.

非斯这个独特的城市也是摩洛哥的一个亮点。The picturesque city of Fez is anther aspects of Morocco.

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2010年,摩洛哥和土库曼斯坦被宣布为无疟疾国。Morocco and Turkmenistan were declared malaria-free in 2010.

我们可以看到汽车生产商标志和日产打算在摩洛哥建厂。Look at the car factory Renault and Nissan are planning in Morocco.

中方高度关注摩洛哥地震灾情。The Chinese side attaches high attention to the disaster in Morocco.

该艺术团还曾在葡萄牙、摩洛哥、法国等国家访演。The ensemble also had performing tours in Portugal, Morocco and France.

这里是摩洛哥梅克内斯市穆莱伊斯梅尔圣坛里的一间美丽的黄色房间。A beautiful room of yellow in the shrine of Moulay Ismail, Meknes, Morocco.

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这个国家的人均收入将近是摩洛哥和埃及人均收入的两倍。The country's per capita income is almost double that of Morocco and Egypt.

定于今年六月在摩洛哥举行的捕鲸委员会年会上,将会考虑这项计划。The plan will be considered in June at the IWC’s annual meeting in Morocco.

克里斯年轻时参加了和平队,在摩洛哥教英语。As a young man, Chris joined the Peace Corps, and taught English in Morocco.