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你出息得一表人材。You were a strapping lad.

伊朗求购半自动橡胶机械。Buying Signode Semi Automatic Strapping Machine.

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如果没有封箱机,要使用强力胶带。Use strong tape if a strapping machine is not available.

箱子要钉上钉子,通体用金属带加固。Cases must be nailed and secured by overall metal strapping.

箱子必须用钉子钉住,并且用金属带全面加固。Cases must be nailed and secured by overall metal strapping.

捆扎机,封箱机,真空机,收缩机等。Strapping machine, carton sealer, vacuum machine, shrink machine.

本论文主要是围绕钢管打捆机研制开发进行的。The main topic of this paper is about steel pipe strapping machine.

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不过他指出,即使是穴居人也可能已经开始穿捆扎的凉鞋了。However, he noted, even Neandertals may have been strapping on sandals.

送信人弯下腰来,挠着膝部被绑腿磨红的地方。The messenger bent and scratched at his knee where the strapping chafed.

完成与意大利皮革或苯胺革椅垫和魁梧。Finished with Italian Leather or aniline leather upholstery and strapping.

身材魁梧的小刘接受采访时完全没有吸毒者的萎靡。Tall and strapping Liu interviews of the drug did not make them apathetic.

一个特别的方式是可以试试戴一个脚弓矫正器和脚弓支撑器。In particular, try wearing an arch strapping and a commercial arch support.

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一个身材魁梧的二十几岁的小伙子,对一个漂亮的十七岁的少女还能有什么别的想法呢?What else can a strapping chap of twenty-one mean with a fine wench of seventeen?

没有什么比把自己绑在一股滑翔伞下,尽可能的快的进入巡航速度。There is nothing like strapping into a hang glider and cruising as fast as you can go.

与其他球员不同的是,他拒绝缠上保护脚和脚踝的带子。Unlike many other players, he refuses to wear strapping to protect his feet and ankles.

他驼背,满脸皱纹,没有牙齿,由两个彩条奴隶搀扶着来到桌前。Bent-backed, wrinkled, and toothless, he was carried to the table by two strapping slaves.

产品可在所有的半自动打包带机以及全自动打包带机上广泛使用。The poly strapping band is used in all semi-automatic strappers and full automatic strappers.

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但是在退休之前,他们有时候会在工作归来后做园艺,把手电筒绑在头上来照明。But before they retired, they’d sometimes garden after work, strapping torches to their heads.

特殊的送退带轨道设计,扩大了适用打包带的范围,使包装成本大为减低。Special belt supplying and withdrawing track can enlarge the strapping range and save the packing cost.

使用壮实的木箱包装是必须的。箱子必须用钉子钉住,并且用金属带片面添固。Packing in sturdy wooden cases is essential. Cases must be nailed and secured by overall metal strapping.