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泥在盐上。Mud on salt.

你弄得身上都是泥。You got mud ll over.

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你弄得身上都是泥。You got mud all over.

他们住在泥坯造的土屋里。They live in mud huts.

他陷进齐膝深的烂泥里。He is knee-deep in mud.

泥里抖成了一团。Into a ball in the mud.

空气泵吸走淤泥。Air lift to suck up mud.

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首先,我们做了泥球。First we made mud balls.

玻璃嵌入泥中。Glass embeds in the mud.

我是泥坑中的棍子。意指”我是保守的人”。I am a stick in the mud.

泥污弄脏了地毯。The mud spotted the rug.

玉米糊会有怎样的现象发生?What happens to the mud?

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泥沸泉沸腾冒泡。Mud pots boil and bubble.

雨把尘土变成了软泥。Rain turns dust into mud.

泥粘在我的鞋子上。The mud clung to my shoes.

您泥土中的养料。The nutriment of your mud.

八个小怪物在泥里玩。Eight monsters play in mud.

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他吃力地利泥泞中跋涉。He slogged through the mud.

泥浆从地下冒出来。Mud oozed from underground.

老燕衔得新泥回。Old Yan Title New mud back.