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林先生说,周围的人群中没有恐慌感。There was no sense of panic, Mr. Hayashi said.

不过,林先生没有关于家人下落的消息。Still, Mr. Hayashi had no word of his family's whereabouts.

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“蚕的优势在于容易养殖,”哈亚希博士说。“The advantage of silkworms is that they’re easy to grow,” Dr. Hayashi said.

在俱乐部外,林的比真人还大的巨幅招贴画装饰在道路上。Outside the club, bigger-than-life posters of Ms. Hayashi adorned the street.

“蚕的优势在于容易养殖,”哈亚希博士说。“The advantage of silkworms is that they’re easy to grow, ” Dr. Hayashi said.

Hayashi透露说,她用一台专业相机和自动拍照器就搞定了所有的拍摄。Hayashi revealed that she did it all with a professional camera and self-timer.

林先生说,他和其他人可能被骗进了一种虚假的安全感。Mr. Hayashi said he and others might have been lured into a false sense of security.

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但是最高法庭说,一系列旁证毫无疑问的证明Hayashi是凶手。But the top court said that the circumstantial evidence proves beyond doubt that Hayashi is guilty.

林美理在六年前从日本北部来到东京之后,终于成功地成为她所在的俱乐部“Celux”的No.1。Mineri Hayashi has made it to the top of her club, Celux, six years after coming to Tokyo from northern Japan.

林先生进入中心,把车停在学校操场上,那里停着数百辆车。Mr. Hayashi went into the center, parking alongside several hundred other cars on the school's sports grounds.

据了解,林先生在恒通云鼎38层的房屋,仅租金一月净收入3500元左右。It is understood that Mr. Hayashi in Hengtong cloud layer Alexander 38 houses, only rent from January 3500 yuan.

在“能”剧表演中的配乐。基本由“和声”、“助兴乐”、鼓和其他声部或者乐器演奏。No performances. It basically consists of a chorus, the Hayashi flute , the Tsuzumi drum, and other instruments.

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“一只小小蜘蛛体内所发生的变化就复杂到我们无法理解的地步了,”哈亚希博士说。“We’re still not getting at the complexity of what’s going on in inside an individual spider,” Dr. Hayashi said.

“一只小小蜘蛛体内所发生的变化就复杂到我们无法理解的地步了,”哈亚希博士说。“We’re still not getting at the complexity of what’s going on in inside an individual spider, ” Dr. Hayashi said.

林先生说轻松的生活状态很大程度上得益于东京电力的慷慨赠与,赞美之情溢于言表。Mr. Hayashi spoke with fondness about the easygoing lifestyle afforded a largely by the largess of Tokyo Electric.

虽然未在核设施工作,但Hayashi从未怀疑过核设施的安全,并指出它们保持了几十年的安全记录。Although not employed by the nuclear facilities, Mr. Hayashi never questioned their safety and noted a decades-long safety record.

“蚕的优势在于容易养殖,”哈亚希博士说。“它们只吃植物,以蚕茧的形式吐丝。”“The advantage of silkworms is that they're easy to grow,” Dr. Hayashi said. “They're vegetarians. And they produce silk conveniently in this cocoon.”

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周六黎明前,富冈当局决定疏散林先生一直工作的避难所,把灾民送往更靠内地的川内的一个避难所。In the early predawn hours of Saturday morning, Tomioka authorities decided to evacuate the shelter where Mr. Hayashi had been working and send the refugees to a shelter in Kawauchi, further inland.