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他死于血液循环衰竭。He died of circulatory failure.

这就是所谓的急性循环衰竭,或休克。This is called acute circulatory failure, or shock.

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淋浴会促进循环系统的新陈代谢。Showers stimulates the circulatory system and metabolism.

丹尼尔带着他的循环电路系统参加了这次展览。He entered an exhibit showing how the circulatory system works.

血液循环包括肺循环和体循环。The blood circulates through both the lungs and the circulatory system.

引擎循环系统专用润滑油,防锈蚀,经济耐用。Applied to engine circulatory system. Anti-corrosion. Economic durability.

蟑螂有一个开放的循环系统,而在这其中,很少有压力的存在。They have an open circulatory system, which there's much less pressure in.

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呼吸困难的原因可能是肺部疾病,循环系统疾病或者两者并存。The cause of dyspnea may be pulmonary disease, circulatory disease, or both.

光纤构建以通讯为基础的当代社会的现代通信信路。Optical fibers make up the circulatory system of our communication-based society.

光纤为我们目前以通讯为基础的社会构建了通讯传输系统。Optical fibres make up the circulatory system of our communication-based society.

由于卧床,循环系统适应功能迅速下降。Rapid deconditioning of the circulatory system can occur as a result of bed rest.

循环系统脂肪栓塞,大血管和神经断裂等严重并发症从未发生。The circulatory system embolism and the broken of big blood vessel never happened.

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淋巴系统汇集这些液体并将其返回循环系统。The lymphatic system collects this fluid and returns it to the circulatory system.

采用气动上墨过滤及水墨循环系统。Adopt and have the black filtering black circulatory system of water pneumatically.

轴流泵的研究为当前辅助循环研究领域的热点之一。Axial flow pump has been the hot point of the research field of circulatory support.

检查测功器水箱及补水循环系统。Check the water tank of the dynamometer and the circulatory system of filling water.

信息系统的安全管理工作是一个动态循环演化的过程。The safety management of information system is a dynamic circulatory evaluative process.

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城市轨道交通与土地利用规划是一互动的单向循环系统。Urban mass transit and land use planning is a one-way circulatory system with interaction.

肺纤维化所致呼吸循环衰竭是致死的主要原因。Pulmonary fibrosis caused by respiratory and circulatory failure is the main cause of death.

红色部分是哈弗斯管—密质骨复杂循环的一部分。Shown in red are Haversian canals, part of the compact bone's intricate circulatory network.