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我们的脸变得更红了。Our faces became redder still.

你看那落日,我还从没过比这更红的太阳呢。Look at Oat sunset I never saw one redder.

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妈妈红着脸,拍打着爸爸大笑起来。Her cheeks redder than usual, mother swatted dad for laughing.

黛安娜又朝着福斯特警官笑,他的脸变得更红了。Diane smiled again at Sergeant Foster and his face went redder.

瞧那晚霞,我没见过比这更红的了。Look at the sunset glow. I have never seen a redder one than that.

红色的好望角毛毡苔在泥炭土和全日照之下会更加鲜豔。The red forms will tend to be redder in peat and under brighter light.

那时,太阳循着亘古不变的路途正越来越大,也越红。The sun―on its ancient, unchanged path―was just growing bigger, and redder.

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你的嘴唇要比那些红酒榨汁工的脚还要红。Thy mouth is redder than the feet of those who tread the wine in the winepress.

时间一分钟一分钟过去,前面那团红雾更红更亮了。As time goes by minute by minute, the rosy halos ahead grow redder and brighter.

烟雾和蛇果,其红艳超过了炉灰和飞过的红衣鸟冠。Smoke, and Red Delicious apples redder than a passing cardinal's crest or cinders.

然后他会说出,噢,这苹果超红耶,比西红柿还要红,诸如此类的话And he says, "Oh, this is a very red apple, much redder than that tomato" Or whatever.

你的嘴唇要比起那些住在神庙里由祭司们喂养的鸽子的腿还要红。It is redder than the feet of the doves who inhabit the temples and are fed by the priests.

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红宝石将比红玫瑰还要红,蓝宝石像大海一样蓝。The ruby shall be redder than a red rose, and the sapphire shall be as blue as the great sea.

这就是为什么有些人的皮肤容易察觉得到一点点红的影子。That is why some people have noticed skin tends to get a little bit redder in the shadow areas.

当研究人员继续将这些样品进行翻滚时,他们注意到砂粒的颜色变得越来越红。As the researchers continued to tumble the samples, they observed the sand getting redder and redder.

那些盛开在提尔花园里的石榴花,那些比玫瑰还要鲜红的石榴花,却没有你的嘴唇鲜红。The pomegranate flowers that blossom in the gardens of Tyre and are redder than roses are not so red.

你的嘴唇要比那个从森林中来的,杀死过狮子,遇见过金色猛虎的人的脚还要红。It is redder than the feet of him who cometh from a forest where he bath slain a lion and seen gilded tigers.

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他不听身边的交谈,不吃,不喝,面色却在一分一秒地愈加红了,愈加紫了。he did not eat, and he did not drink, but became from moment to moment,, redder and more pruple of countenance.

当人的体内血液充足,特别是血液中富含氧分子的时候,人的肤色会显得更红润。The redder tones are caused when people are flush with blood, particularly if the blood has lots of oxygen in it.

石家庄的一位养鸭农户说,在饲料中放入的红色原料越多,鸭子所下的蛋的蛋黄越黄。A duck farmer in Shijiazhuang said the more red material put in the forage, the redder the yolks laid by the ducks.