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CAN总线现在已经广泛应用于诸多领域,具有较强的市场竞争力。CAN bus now has been used in many fields , and is rivalrous.

但我认为现在更应强调竞争的元素。But I think the more rivalrous elements are becoming more emphasized now.

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但任何实质性的体现和编制信息严格的说来还是有竞争性的。But any material embodiment or encoding of information is still strictly speaking rivalrous.

因此,美国通过联盟体系所提供的安全防务事实上会导致盟友之间的竞争。Therefore, America’s provision of security via its system of alliances is rivalrous between allies.

其中在研究方法中重点是对已有事故的分析,竞争性游戏和虚拟现实技术。In the part of methods, analysis of accidents, rivalrous game and reality stimulation were emphasized.

我们逐渐远离物质的限制,各种新的思想不断出现。We are slowly shedding the limitations of Matter to unleash the expansiveness of non- rivalrous Ideas.

过程竞争的重要功能在于发现知识,争胜竞争的企业家是发现主体。The significant function of process competition is knowledge discovery undertaken by rivalrous entrepreneurs.

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自成立之日起,迪尔一直致力于为客户提供高性价比的产品和相应的技术服务。Since founded, we have devoted ourselves to provide products of high quality and rivalrous price to our customers.

按这个标准,西得克萨斯州际公路通常是非竞争性的,而洛杉矶高速公路则经常是竞争性的。Thus, west Texas interstate highways are usually nonrivalrous, while Los Angeles freeways are usually very rivalrous.

全屋家具,是一个主要的生产商并得到客户的认可,她的优秀品质和竞争性的价格。Full Houses Furniture is one of the main makers and gets customers recognition by her excellent quality and rivalrous price.

象高速公路一样,休闲公园在使用人数较少时是非竞争性的,但在参观人数太多时就变的具有竞争性。Like highways, recreational parks are nonrivalrous at low use levels, becoming rivalrous as they become sufficiently crowded.

现在,公司的产品远销欧洲,美国及日本市场,以优越的品质和具有竞争力的价格赢得了众多的客户。Now, our company's produce market spreads Europe, US and Japan, Our superior quality and the rivalrous price help us win the multitudinous customer.

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并且,在等待从互联网上下载的时候证明,在电话网络上的电子包还是竞争性的,并能够引起拥塞效果。And as the waiting time to download from the Internet attests, electronic packets on telephone networks are still rivalrous and can lead to congestion effects.

作为内生的垄断现象,市场权势实际上是争胜竞争过程的结果,并非垄断的市场结构所决定。As an endogenous monopolistic phenomenon, market power is the result of rivalrous competitive process and cannot be determined by monopolistic market structure.

大众化高等教育阶段,社会对高等教育的质量要求发生了变化,高等学校的发展呈现出多样化、综合化和更有竞争性的特点。The development if higher education shows diverse, comprehensive and rivalrous because the people's demands to higher education are changing in phrase of popular education.

除非政府人为阻碍争胜竞争过程的展开,通常市场过程内生力量能够有效制约非政府垄断现象。Unless government factitiously blocks the spread of rivalrous competitive process, the endogenous strength of market process generally can restrict non-governmental monopoly effectively.

相反地,他们假设的关系,确切地说是政治关系,并非介于爱人或甚至是最好朋友间的关系,而是介于公民伙伴间,他们可能处于,彼此紧张敌对或竞争的关系,以求争得政治官位或荣誉。Rather they presuppose relations that is to say political relations not between lovers or even best friends of some kind but between civic partners who may in fact be intensely rivalrous and competitive with one another for positions of political office and honor.