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谢谢特里萨。Thanks Theresa.

特丽萨?伯恩斯坦是一位艺术家。Theresa Bernstein was an artist.

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特丽萨可以自由一天。Theresa should take the day for herself.

我喜欢的一个故事是阿维拉的圣特蕾莎的故事。A story I like is that of St. Theresa of Avila.

那么,圣泰莉莎和圣热罗姆岂不都成了异端了?Saint Theresa and Saint Jerome would be heretics.

德雷莎热烈而充满理想的天性,需要史诗般的生活。Theresa 's passionate, ideal nature demanded an epic life.

特瑞莎,我很抱歉,非常抱歉,是我曾伤害了你。Theresa , I am sorry, so very sorry, that I ever hurt you.

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洛林和特丽萨是唯一的女同志居民布鲁斯特广场。Lorraine and Theresa are the only lesbian residents of Brewster Place.

所以,你看到了吧!变形金刚里漂亮的女孩和特里萨嬷嬷联系只需要简单六步。There you have it! Transformer cutie to Mother Theresa in six easy steps.

1997年,上面提到的教皇为特里萨嬷嬷行了宣福礼。In 1997, the aforementioned holy man beatified none other than Mother Theresa.

玛丽亚·特丽莎在舒伯恩宫中为奥地利缔造了一个黄金时代。Maria Theresa ▼will march Austria into a new golden age ▼at the palace of Schonbrunn.

美国国防部副助理部长惠兰在接受美国之音采访时发表上述谈话。Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Theresa Whelan made the comment in a VOA interview.

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英国内政大臣,特丽莎。梅说政府官员将会采取宵禁整夜戒严手段。The home secretary, Theresa May, says officials will look at general dusk-to-dawn curfews.

傅颖也礼上往来,送上可爱的亲笔老虎画。What a surprise, Theresa returns a reciprocal gift to Kenny – her hand drawing a cutie tiger.

Theresa表示,正如人人皆知,准确的预计一个初创企业的收入是不可能的。As everyone knows, Theresa says, it is impossible to accurately project revenues of a start-up.

内阁成员,包括大卫·卡梅伦和内政大臣梅伊也出席欢迎仪式。Cabinet members including David Cameron and Theresa May were also on hand to welcome the couple.

警方说,上个月,特里萨里吉和她的孩子从阿伯丁郡的家中失踪了。Last month, police say, Theresa Riggi disappeared with her kids from the family home in Aberdeen.

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梅姨正式开工的第一天,笑得十分开心,并且任命了她的新内阁成员。Over a whirlwind seven days, Theresa May went from Home Secretary to the Prime Minister of Britain.

特里沙梅也是如此,他因为削减警察的数量来应对紧缩政策而饱受压力。so does Theresa May, who is under pressure to cut police numbers as a result of the austerity programme.

英国内政大臣特瑞莎•梅称该案件应该在警方调查完成之后再展开讨论。Home Secretary Theresa May said that issue should be discussed after the police investigation is completed.