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明显过长的被毛属于失格。A distinctly long coat is a disqualification.

上颚或下颚突出为失格。Undershot or overshot bite is a disqualification.

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上鄂突出或下鄂突出的咬合都是失格。Undershot or Overshot bites are a disqualification.

但如果短重或质量不合格怎么办呢?But in the case of short weight or disqualification?

前腿有突球是不合格的。Knuckling over of the front legs is a disqualification.

缺席的参赛者将自动取消资格。Those who fail to turn up will lead to disqualification.

若不遵守规章,就会被取消资格。Failure to obey the regulations may result in disqualification.

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头部和腿部的被毛短而平滑属于失格。Short, smooth coat on both head and legs is a disqualification.

白色延伸到肩胛或颈部属于失格。White extending on the shoulders or neck is a disqualification.

未遵循此规则者将立即被取消参赛资格。Failure to abide by this rule results in immediate disqualification.

任何不遵守以上规则的参赛队将被取消参赛资格。Any preparation rule not followed is grounds for team disqualification.

不符合规则之参加作品将会被取消资格。Entries not complying with the rules will be subject to disqualification.

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若有违反推广活动之规定,参加者将会丧失其换领资格。Failure to adhere to the promotion rules will result in disqualification.

任何不遵守以上规则的参赛队将被取消参赛资格。Failure to adhere to any preparation rule is grounds for team disqualification.

喷气燃料在运输或贮存过程中有时会发生变质,出现银片腐蚀不合格的现象。Occasionally, jet fuel may deteriorate and result in disqualification of silver strip test.

但是在短道速滑的比赛中没有任何规则去为被剥夺资格申诉,我只能接受这样的结果。But in short track there are no regulations to appeal a disqualification so I have to accept it.

犯规要扣掉犯规者的分数,直至取消比赛资格。Committing a foul results in points being deducted from a boxer's score or even disqualification.

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提前离店行为将造成不符合享受此包价涉及的免费入住之优惠条件。Any shorten of stay will cause disqualification to enjoy the free night stay benefit under the package.

在生产过程中导致产品不合格的因素,一般很容易被发现并加以改正。In production process, the factors that lead product disqualification can be found and corrected easier.

其它分赛区比赛中,选手也可以申请此服装。This can apply in the local market competitions as well. Failing to do so can result in disqualification.