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此物适合我用。It serves my purpose.

每天定立目标。Have a purpose each day.

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我们打算再试一下。We purpose another trial.

将能得着真洞见。True purpose we will gain.

它的目标是什么?Whon purpose does it serve?

编程语言中每一个关键字都有其特殊的用途。Every keyword has a purpose.

这是黑手党的做法It's the purpose of the mafia.

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也许他是故意这么做的?Maybe he does this on purpose?

订定一明确目标。Adopt a definite major purpose.

我的永恒目标已经确定。My eternal purpose has decreed.

有些能达到阐述的目的Sometimes they serve a purpose.

大坝的作用的双重的。The purpose of a dam is twofold.

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端口135是干嘛用的?What is the purpose of Port 135?

你一定是有意失约的。You must stand me up on purpose.

他觉得很空虚,毫无目标。He felt empty and without purpose.

我特地来这里看你。I came here on purpose to see you.

落地灯的特殊用途?The special purpose of floor lamp?

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每一个视图都满足了一个目标。Each view accomplishes one purpose.

托尼·索普拉诺就是这么干的That's the purpose of Tony Soprano.

我打算继续实施这一计划。I purpose to continue with the plan.