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来料、进料加工业务。Incoming feed processing business.

我们的资金分配情况如何?How does AFK manage incoming funds?

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没有对传入隐藏的短信铃声。No ringtone on incoming hidden SMS.

对新收到的讯息使用伫列。Use a message for new incoming messages.

夜,去查查刚才是谁将它送进来的。Night, checks just is who send it incoming.

新员工的入厂岗前培训。The new employee incoming pre-job training.

关掉手机,不理短信。Turn off the phone and ignore incoming texts.

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新增加水是否测试PH与有机物?Is incoming water tested with PH and organics?

这就是这篇指南文章所提到的呼入电话设置。That's it of the incoming calls on this guide.

对每批未水洗原毛进行质量检验。C Test all incoming shipments of raw materials.

禁止操作员执行进厂检验。Incoming inspection by operators is prohibited.

涨潮冲击着珊瑚礁。The incoming tides were bathing the coral reef.

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光照图仅储存间接入射光线。Lightmap storing only the indirect incoming light.

轻松拒绝块的忙音来电。Easy Reject blocks incoming calls with a busy tone.

海关官员对入境的车辆进行抽查。Custom officer carry out spot check on incoming car.

一个男声传入了瑶瑶和花子琪的耳朵里。A male voice incoming Yuri Huang and Hanako her ears.

本表示他的财务习惯依赖于他的收入。Ben says his financial habbit depend on his incoming.

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来料中的卷铝应当经过水集结试验。Incoming coils should be examined for water staining.

严格控制进料质量关、价格关。Strictly control incoming materials quality and price.

你的收件夹是你来往信息的稳固渠道。Your inbox is a steady stream of incoming information.