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现在我可以煮菜了。Now I can cook.

我是一个绝对的厨师。I’m a very cook.

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他是个很好的厨师。He's no mean cook.

我对厨子说。I said to the cook.

我们常做肉菜。We always cook meat.

煮三至五分钟。Cook for 3 to 5 mins.

把它烤熟。这就做成了蛋糕。Cook it. It's a cake.

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妈妈,你多久做一次饭?Mom, how do you cook?

低卡美食亲手做!Cook up a low-cal storm!

简的烹饪技巧堪称一绝。Jane is a fabulous cook.

他们把厨师解雇了。They dismissed the cook.

我们用瓦斯炉煮菜。We cook on a gas cooker.

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怎么烧茄子?How to cook the eggplant?

我可以用一只手来做饭。I can cook with one hand.

梁静茹还很喜欢烹饪。Leong also likes to cook.

让肉慢慢地癊。Let the meat cook slowly.

你通常都做什么菜呢?What do you usually cook?

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不然谁还会做饭呢?And who would cook dinner?

他是个手艺平平的厨师。He is an indifferent cook.

我想看见你真的帮厨。I wanna see you help cook.