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目的探讨文字交流训练对言语失用患者语言康复的影响。Objective To observe the effect of character communication on apraxia of speech.

失用用以描述各种目的性运动障碍。Apraxia is a collective term used to describe impairment in carrying out purposeful movements.

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有构音障碍和言语失用等,可能会与演讲失常失语。Apraxia of speech and Dysarthria are other speech disorders that may be confused with aphasia.

所以人们研究脑损伤,这些脑损伤能够引起,诸如失用症这样的运动控制障碍And So, people study brain damages— brain damage that implicates motor control such as apraxia.

所以人们研究脑损伤,这些脑损伤能够引起,诸如失用症这样的运动控制障碍。And So, people study brain damages— brain damage that implicates motor control such as apraxia.

结果和结论文字交流训练可以改善言语失用患者的言语功能。Results and Conclusion Character communication can improve the speech of the apraxia of speech.

失用症患者是可以行动的,可以做简单的动作,但是他们无法协调他们的动作Somebody with apraxia can move, do simple movements just fine but they can't coordinate their movements.

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失用症患者是可以行动的,可以做简单的动作,但是他们无法协调他们的动作。Somebody with apraxia can move, do simple movements just fine but they can't coordinate their movements.

但多数情况下,失用症并不十分明显,除非要求患者完成或模仿某一动作。More often, however, apraxia is not very apparent unless one asks the patient to perform or imitate a pretended action.

例如,穿衣失用症可能由脑中无法想出穿衣动作引起。For example, dressing apraxia may result from an inability to mentally formulate the act of placing clothes on the body.

发育性语音失用症的预后受问题本身的严重程度、治疗方法和治疗时间的影响。The prognosis of developmental apraxia of speech depends on severity of the problem, the method and duration of treatment.

用目前国外较常用的一种结构功能障碍的评测方法,对50例脑卒中患者和50例正常人进行评测。Constructional function of 50 stroke patients and 50 normal adults were evaluated by using a set of assessment of constructional apraxia.

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随访调查发现运用不能症和执行功能化的持续受损,不断恶化的语言表现,和记忆保存。Follow-up examination revealed persistent impairment of apraxia and executive functioning, worsening language performance, and preserved memory.

发育性语音失用症的病因涉及语音的运动计划问题,并与儿童语言发育水平有关。The etiology of developmental apraxia of speech involves motor planning problems and it is associated with the level of language development of children.

本篇报告集成及分析肢体性动作失用症具代表性之重要文献,以进一步瞭解该症状的本质及可能的治疗方式。This paper was developed to review recent advances in the study of limb apraxia in order to further understand the nature of this disorder and possible approaches to its interventions.

失用症源自于对运动行为相关连的准备与筹划区域的减退,特别是顶叶布洛卡区域以及补充的运动区域缘上的脑回。Apraxia arises from lesion to the regions associated with preparation and planning for the motor act, specifically the supramarginal gyrus of the parietal lobe, Broca's area, and the SMA.