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“我也是。”凡妮莎说。"Me too, " said Vanessa.

瓦妮莎目前还没有工作。Vanessa still has no job.

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“是的。”凡妮莎疑惑地说。"Yes, " said Vanessa doubtfully.

陈美,欢迎到“亚洲对话”节目。Vanessa Mae, welcome to "Talk Asia".

她叫凡妮莎•哈金斯,她又回来了。Her name is Vanessa Hudgens, and she is back again.

她叫瓦内萨,她住在…,布鲁克林。抽烟不?。Her name is vanessa. she lives in. brooklyn. Smoke ?

Nate同Vanessa在歌剧院度过了浪漫的一晚。Nate and Vanessa have a romantic night at the opera.

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克劳迪娅驾驶着汽车,凡妮莎坐在她身旁。Claudia was driving and Vanessa was seated next to her.

瓦内萨与班上的其他孩子相处融洽。Vanessa interacts well with other children in the class.

嗯,陈美快满24岁了,一个智慧的年龄。Well, Vanessa Mae is about to reach the wise old age of 24

凡妮莎·布里吉是美国140万失业大军中的一员。Vanessa Bridges is one of 14.6 million unemployed Americans

他来到舰桥时,哪里只有凡妮莎和吉姆。He arrived on the Bridge and there was only Vanessa and Kim.

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同时梅森发现瓦内萨在欺骗他。Meanwhile, Mason has learned that Vanessa is cheating on him.

“对不起。”吉姆和珊米说着把地图还给了凡妮莎。"Sorry, " said Kim and Sammie and returned the map to Vanessa.

森刚过世的老婆,美丽的凡妮莎·沙尔曼是他的表妹。Lawson's late wife, the beautiful Vanessa Salmon, was his cousin.

“应该向左转,吉姆。”凡妮莎说着又看了看地图。"It was to the left Kim, " said Vanessa looking at the map again.

瓦妮莎成为了一名铁工,得到了修建赌场的工作。Vanessa had become an ironworker and had got a job building casinos.

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“是的,我都等不及要看房子的里面了。”凡妮莎说。"Yes, I can't wait to see the house form the inside, " said Vanessa.

我想见见你,因为瓦妮莎告诉我你就像是她的姐姐一样。I wanted to meet you because Vanessa has told me you're like her sister.

从一个框架和故事板“丁香之酒”,由Vanessa马尔扎罗利指示。A frame and storyboards from "Lilac Wine, " directed by Vanessa Marzaroli.