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关于她去阿卡普科旅游的事。It's about her trip to Acapulco.

阿卡普尔科历史博物馆的所在地是古老的圣迪戈要塞。Acapulco Museum of History is the location of the ancient fortress of San Diego.

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飓风带来的狂风暴雨已经席卷如阿卡普多这样的旅游地区。The hurricane is already bringing heavy winds and rain to tourist areas like Acapulco.

61套房的阿卡普尔科度假区是一个典型的组合文化课。The 61-suite Quinta Real Acapulco resort is a quintessential combination of culture and class.

除了从窒息中生还,他还在墨西哥阿卡普尔科激流中救了自己的命。In addition to surviving choking, he also saved his own life in a riptide in Acapulco , Mexico.

这是在位于阿卡普尔科的每一个客人的东西感兴趣。There's something for guests of every interest in the conveniently located Las Brisas Acapulco.

这是墨西哥太平洋海岸的主要城市阿卡普尔科和瓜达拉哈拉。Wonderful look at Mexico's Pacific Coast, including the major cities of Acapulco and Guadalajara.

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你可能已经熟悉阿卡普如果你曾经看过野生世界体育对ABC的。You're probably already familiar with Acapulco if you ever watched the Wild World of Sports on ABC.

以晶体百合的盘茎及花葶为外植体成功获得再生植株,并建立快速无性繁殖系。The clonal propagation of Acapulco is developed through culture of scales and stem segments in vitro.

许多房间夸阿卡普尔科湾,设有私人阳台印象享受惊人的海滨日落。Many rooms boast impressive views of the Acapulco Bay and feature private balconies to enjoy the breathtaking oceanfront sunsets.

国家飓风研究中心称,埃利达形成风速达每小时40英里,目前在阿卡普尔克东南400英里处。The National Hurricane Center says Elida is packing winds of nearly 40 miles per hour and is about 400 miles southeast of Acapulco.

墨西哥海岸城市亚加布尔科最受欢迎的旅游度假村发生持续两小时的枪战,至少16名持枪者和2名士兵死亡。A two-hour gun battle in one of Mexico's most popular tourist resorts, the costal city of Acapulco has left at least 16 gunmen and 2 soldiers dead.

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两个月之后,我们终于可以到墨西哥的阿卡普尔科去度蜜月了。只是这个蜜月有些特别,希拉里的全家人,另外还有她其中一个弟弟的女朋友都随同前往。Two months later, we finally had a honeymoon in Acapulco , an unusual one, with Hillary's whole family and the girlfriend of one of her brothers along.

阿卡普尔科市所在的格雷罗州是全墨西哥除北部边境城市齐瓦瓦以及新莱昂州外的第三大谋杀案最多城市。Guerrero state, where Acapulco is located, has the third highest rate of murders in Mexico after the northern border states of Chihuahua and Nuevo Leon.

在墨西哥濒太平洋的阿卡波可市靠近拉奎布拉达一带,攀岩跳水者抓著火炬跃入下方35公尺的海中,这个为观光客演出的活动可以追溯至1930年代。A cliff diver at la Quebrada in Acapulco holding torches plunges towards the sea 35 metres below him February 26, 2007 in a spectacle for tourists that dates back to the 1930's.

格雷罗州当局称,上周六午夜后不久,他们收到警报,阿卡普尔科郊区一个繁忙的公路上有一辆燃烧的汽车。Authorities from the state of Guerrero say that soon after midnight on Saturday, they were alerted to a burning vehicle on a busy highway in the outskirts of the city of Acapulco.