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天蛾人在缅因州的一家精神病院里面。Mothman's in a asylum up in a Maine.

人们央求政治避难。The people ask for political asylum.

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下了飞机,我们立刻寻找收容所。On landing, we immediately sought asylum.

我们要给老一代人准备一个避难所。We'll start an asylum for old-time people.

寻求庇护者也受到了冷遇。Those who seek asylum also receive short shrift.

比利时给予政治难民避难权。Belgium granted asylum to the political refugees.

他一直在尼加拉瓜寻求并已得到庇护。He has sought and been granted asylum in Nicaragua.

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此外,在澳寻求庇护者的人数已达6900人。Asylum seeker numbers in Australia have reached 6900.

“黑皮”暂时在表妹和相好的金莉莉家避难。Black temporarily at cousin and good li-li jins asylum.

让我不要祈祷在险恶中得到庇护。Let me do not pray to get the asylum in the inclemency.

然后里面所有人开始唱,十四!Then everyone inside the asylum starts chanting, Fourteen!

你17岁时,父母曾经将你送到收容所。When you were 17 your parents had you committed to an asylum.

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找到那个位于阿克汉姆主门西侧的破败建筑。Find the crumbling building to the west of the main asylum gate.

它像是疯人院和棉纺织厂的混合体。It resembled a cross between a lunatic asylum and a cotton mill.

但在十九世纪二十年代仅仅是收容所和休克疗法。In the nineteen-twenties it was the asylum and the shock treatments.

一个国家只能在自己的领土内行使庇护权。A country can only exercise the right of asylum in its own territory.

疯人院的一次闲庭漫步说明信念并不能证明一切。Acasualstroll lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything.

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他说,移民可以要求收容或者接受自愿遣送回国。He says the migrants can request asylum or accept voluntary repatriation.

基本上,它是为了难民和寻求政治庇护人士的人权而斗争的,and it basically fights for the human rights of refugees and asylum seekers

他说,厄瓜多尔宪法保护避难人的权利。Patino says the right of asylum is recognised by the Ecuadoran constitution.