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今天是峰会的最后一天,也是据称将迎来会议高潮的一天。It is the final, supposedly climactic day of the conference.

影片的最高潮枪战发生在一条小城街道上,这将决定杰克的命运。A climactic shootout on a village street will determine his fate.

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本文的主体部分是对递进关系进行欧拉图分析。The context body is the analysis of climactic relation using eulerian graph.

他还创造了戏剧性的三重姿态,在场景的高潮时刻不时中断。He also originated the dramatic mie poses, which punctuate climactic moments in a scene.

这就好似一出传统追车戏在高潮部分突然变成了一出哑剧。It's almost like a tongue-in-cheek play on the climactic moment of a traditional car chase.

她经常拍到一个女孩与不同男士在深情热吻的照片。Her images capture a series of climactic kisses between one woman and several different men.

就好像是在感受一股让人兴奋的意识流,很快的向着最后的高潮移动。It has the feel of an ecstatic stream-of-consciousness, moving rapidly toward a climactic end.

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很多男性都认为称职的爱人就应该给自己的女人带来高潮。Many men feel that a good lover is one who can bring his woman to climactic sexual culmination.

一场和自身错误战斗的高潮,精神朝拜的胜利终止。The climactic battle to kill the false being within and victoriously conclude the spiritual pilgrimage.

战争的高潮就是,消除人性中虚伪的一面,在心灵革命中吹响胜利的号角。The climactic battle to kill, the false being within and victoriously conclude the spiritual revolution.

就像我所说,女人的创造,实际上是第二个创世故事中造物的高潮。And the creation of woman, as I said, is in fact the climactic creative act in the second Genesis account.

处在低洼的恒河—雅鲁藏布江三角洲地区,孟加拉国坐落在具有形成完美风暴的条件下。Set in the low-lying Ganges–Brahmaputra River Delta, Bangladesh sits in a perfect storm of climactic conditions.

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尤其是拍摄高潮——一场由无人驾驶飞机率领的长期战争时,风险低得仿佛在玩电子游戏。The climactic scene in particular, a long battle involving an army of unmanned drones, feels as low-stakes as a video game.

男性系统的迅速反应世界上管控着男性的高潮,但这通常对女性来说太快了。The swiftness of the male system virtually guarantees climactic orgasms for males, but is usually too quick for the female.

影片中的高潮是一幕“血河”场景,发生在一家电影院正在上映的另一部血腥的战争影片,这样正好有力地说明了上述观点。The blood-drenched climactic scene, which takes place in a cinema showing another gory war movie, rather supports that view.

追访球会消息,紧贴参加明星赛的球星动态,由季后赛阶段直至锦标争夺战,与世界大赛全程同步。Follow the teams and the stars to the All Star Game, through the playoffs, the Championships all the way to the climactic World Series.

四分之一个世纪以来,那首高超歌曲激发了多少处在不同人生阶段上需要做决定的人。For a quarter-century now, the show’s climactic song has inspired countless people in all walks of life when the time has come to take a leap.

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所以在全球气候变暖和其他高发性气候异常背景之下,我们一直希望有一个极其舒适的地方去居住。So in the backdrop of global warming and other climactic abnormalities, we all are always hoping for a climactically pleasant place to live in.

在恩多战役的高潮,韦奇作为红色队长指挥同盟星际战斗机向未完工的死星核心发动攻击。During the climactic Battle of Endor, Wedge, as Red Leader, spearheaded the Alliance starfighter attack into the heart of the uncompleted Death Star.

首先,用黏土创造人类又一次出现在故事中,创物行动中的高潮是,从男人身体中创造了女人。First, the fashioning of the human from clay is--again--in that story, The final climactic act of creation is the creation of the female from the male.