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我没有硬抢过来的意思…I don't own them.

我可以吸到自己。I can suck my own.

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我有自己的房间了。I hve my own room.

我有一个跑步机。I own a treadmill.

你拥有一辆中型车?Own a midsize car?

你拥有一些小车子。You own some cars.

现在全靠你自己了。You're on your own.

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一个银行家的各有所得。A banker of his own.

不要拥有贵重物品。Don’t own valuables.

我们有几部汽车。We own several cars.

何不创造我自己的记录呢?Why not make my own?

你只需自带酒水。Bring your own drink.

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创建自己的人生轨迹。Greate your own path.

他自杀而亡。He took his own life.

我拥有的一切权利。I own all the rights.

我欠你一个道歉。I own you an apology.

这是他自己的选择。That's his own voice.

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自己做格兰诺拉麦片。Make your own granola.

我亲爱的热内薇芙!My own dear Genevieve!

这所房子是我本人的。Thiss house is my own.