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她用力挥着那把大棕榈扇,胳臂都酸痛了。Her arms ached from swinging the wide palmetto leaf.

汤尼是南加利福尼亚棕榈鸽子农场的董事长。Tony Barwick is president of the Palmetto Pigeon Plant in South Carolina.

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托尼。巴维克是南卡罗来纳州,南卡罗来纳鸽子厂的总经理。Tony Barwick is president of the Palmetto Pigeon Plant in South Carolina.

讽刺的是这一刻的玲珑棕榈州没有什么是值得称赞的。The irony is that nothing is particularly great in the Palmetto State at the moment.

直至现在,您需要考虑四个胶囊一天获得理想水平的锯棕榈。Until now you needed to take four capsules a day to get the ideal levels of saw palmetto.

这是由于广受欢迎,并已采取类似行动,因为看到棕榈提取物在治疗前列腺增生。It is as popular, and has similar actions, as the saw palmetto extract in the treatment of BPH.

有时其它单纯的草药也并不能像药茶那样有效地发挥功效,就像松果菊,奶蓟和齿棕。Other herbs that don\'t work effectively as teas include echinacea, milk thistle, and saw palmetto.

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对民主党人而言,这场在这个矮棕榈州的论辩将是一个在黑人选民中的初期个人实力测试,一个关键。For Democrats, the contest in the Palmetto State will be a key early test of strength among black voters.

但有没有之间安慰剂的症状评分改善的幅度的差异和锯棕榈。But there was no difference in the magnitude of symptom score improvement between placebo and saw palmetto.

锯棕榈提取物含有的物质作为睾酮阻滞剂的很多相同的机制,作为前列腺药物。Saw palmetto extract contains substances acting as DHT blockers by much of the same mechanism as prostate medicines.

据传塞润榈有生发功效,但是其疗效并没有临床证据。The saw palmetto plant is often said to help hair growth, but there is little clinical evidence concerning its efficacy.

锯棕榈协助这一转化过程,在其中,细胞重新组合自身进入到新的遗传结构之中。Saw Palmetto assists with the transmutative process during which the cell re- composes itself into a new genetic structure.

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我们在帕尔麦脱已经安居了一年左右,母亲的家属—哈里森家族—在内战后已经居住在那里了。We had made our home in Palmetto for a year or so where my mother's gentle folks, the Harrisons, had settled following the Civil War.

现在有许多公司销售锯棕榈秃发的治疗,因此,就不可能有分歧的问题在建议剂量。There are now many companies selling saw palmetto baldness treatments and as such there can be problems with differences in recommended dosages.

一个值得警惕,但锯棕榈可以利用大多数人来说,它没有被证明是安全,妇女在怀孕和哺乳期间。One note of caution, although saw palmetto can be used by most people, it has not been proven to be safe for women during pregnancy and lactation.

然而,应该引起注意的是,2006年一项临床研究对早先试验证明的前列通的疗效提出质疑。However, you should note that a clinical study published in 2006 has cast doubt on the effectiveness of saw palmetto that had been demonstrated in previous trials.

当她叙说她骑着摩托车游历乡村,穿过美洲蒲葵花田时,她的眼睛里闪着火花,那些火花直穿过了她的橘色镜片。There was also a sparkle in her eyes through the lenses of her orange glasses as she shared the story of riding her motorcycle through a swarm of palmetto palmettos.

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当她叙说她骑着摩托车游历乡村,穿过美洲蒲葵花田时,她的眼睛里闪着火花,那些火花直穿过了她的橘色镜片。There was also a sparkle in her eyes through the lenses of her orange glasses as she shared the story of riding her motorcycle through a swarm of palmetto palmetto s.

多年来,锯棕榈石油已被用来治疗前列腺的问题,并已发现有一些有利的影响阻碍双氢睾酮,造成大多数男性脱发。For years, saw palmetto oil has been used to treat prostate problems, and it has been found to have some beneficial effect in blocking the DHT that causes most male hair loss.

据棕榈,源自据棕榈科的浆果,用做增强男士健康的保健品,它特有的植物成分,可以保持男士前列腺和泌尿系统的健康。Saw Palmetto , derived from the berry of the Saw Palmetto tree, is the leading herb for men's health. Saw Palmetto contains phytochemicals, which support prostate and urinary health in men.