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喻威前来解释,说其实彼此都未忘记对方。YuWei come to explain that actually didn t forget each other.

丽人收到喻威的花,要和喻威一起共赴晚餐。Receive YuWei flower beauty, want to have dinner together with YuWei.

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喻威向郝丽人求婚,郝丽人落寞地看着手上的戒指没有说话。YuWei propose to hao beauty, beauty of loneliness at hand ring didnt speak.

丽人让李昂倒水,天娜趁机问丽人有没有什么想给喻威说的。Beauty let Leon water, Tina the chance to ask beauty what want to YuWei said.

郝亚军得知真相,探望李昂,责怪喻威不保护郝丽人。Hao Yajun learned that truth, visiting Leon, blame YuWei dont protect hao beauty.

傅语薇不想暴露身份,便谎称自己是个外来打工妹。Fu Yuwei does not want to reveal the identity, pretend oneself are ab extra work younger sister.

杨于畏送重返人间的连锁回到家中,连府上下喜出望外。Yang Yuwei sends the chain of return world to answer in the home, leave even you home be overjoyed.

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大毛安慰李昂并告诉李昂自己换工作了,要去给大名鼎鼎的魔术师喻威当助理兼司机。Heavy hair comfort Leon and tell Leon in their work, going to a famous magician YuWei as assistant and driver.

喻威把大毛关进道具箱里,大毛情急之下说出认识丽人及丽人受伤的事情。Heavy hair YuWei into props box, heavy hair under the feeling be nasty, say the things know beauty and beauty were injured.

深圳南山荔枝果实肉嫩如水,洁白透明,滑爽无比,汁多而甜,食后余味无穷。Shenzhen Nanshan litchi fruit Rounen such as water, white transparent, very smooth, Zhiduo and sweet, fresh after Yuwei endless.

是国内为数不多的能够自己生产连接器散件、各种适配器散件及光衰减器的企业。Yuwei is among the few enterprises which are capable of producing connectors, various adapters, and different types of attenuators.

男孩的老师王玉文要求学生为他们的母亲做点什么以表达感激之情——从唱一首歌到送上美好的祝福,随便什么都可以。The boy's teacher Wang Yuwei asked students to do something to show their gratitude towards their mothers -- anything from singing a song or just expressing a good wish.

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本研究以国家图书馆之172部宋代雕版书籍为主要对象,期望理出古书「尾」形之种类和意义。The research is to study the172 woodblock-printing books in Song Dynasty , which are collected by the National Library, and find out the varieties and meanings of Yuwei.